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Source GM Core pg. 308 2.0
Some extraordinary magic items grow in power along with a character, gaining abilities that add to an adventurer's legend. These are called relics, and owning one can define a character more than any other magic item.

Click here for the full rules on Relics.

Beast Gifts

Beast SensesMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast; Prerequisite The relic is a worn item.
The relic grants you an animal's acute senses as long as you wear it. You gain low-light vision. If you already have low-light vision, you instead gain darkvision. At 10th level, the relic grants you imprecise scent with a range of 10 feet.

Call of the WildMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate, manipulate); Frequency once per day; Effect Your relic summons a creature to fight at your side, casting summon animal with a spell rank of half the item's level rounded up. You can Sustain this activation as you would the spell.

Feral ClawsMinor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast; Prerequisite The relic is a worn item.
Activate [one-action] (concentrate); Effect Your hands transform into a pair of claws. These grant you a claw unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage and has the agile and finesse traits. This lasts until you Dismiss the effect.

Form of FuryMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast; Prerequisite The relic is a worn item.
Activate [two-actions] (concentrate); Frequency twice per day; Effect Calling upon the bestial nature within, you change shape into that of an animal. The relic casts animal form on you, transforming you into the same type of animal every time, chosen when the gift is gained; the spell rank is half the item's level, rounded down.

Track of the BeastMajor Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast
The spirit of an animal fills you. The relic gives one of the following benefits, chosen by the GM when the relic gains this gift.
  • A +10-foot status bonus to your land Speed.
  • A climb Speed equal to your land Speed.
  • A swim Speed equal to your land Speed.

Form of VengeanceGrand Gift

Source GM Core pg. 310 2.0
Aspect beast; Prerequisite form of fury gift
Whenever you use the relic's form of fury activation, it can cast aerial form or dinosaur form instead of animal form. Like form of fury, these spells also turn you into the same type of animal each time (so you have three forms you can assume in total, one from each spell). The spell rank is the same as defined in form of fury.

While transformed, you can switch from one of the three forms to another by Sustaining the activation. This doesn't change the duration.