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Warden of Caverns and Burrows

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 54
Unspecific Lore: DC 52
Specific Lore: DC 49

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Warden of Caverns and BurrowsCreature 22

Unique Gargantuan Beast Earth 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 203 2.1
Perception +36; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages voice of nature
Skills Athletics +42 ((+45 to High Jump or Long Jump)), Intimidation +37, Stealth +37, Subterranean Lore +35
Str +12, Dex +8, Con +10, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +9
Voice of Nature
Warden's Crown
AC 45; Fort +39, Ref +36, Will +33; +1 to all saves vs. primal
HP 500; Immunities fire; Resistances physical 10 (except adamantine), sonic 20; Weaknesses cold 20
Magmatic Reflex [reaction] Trigger The warden is targeted with an attack; Effect The warden issues a spray of magma as they jump away from danger. This spray deals 6d12 fire damage to all adjacent creatures (DC 42 basic Reflex save). They then Leap or Step away, gaining a +2 circumstance bonus to their AC against the triggering attack.
Speed 40 feet, burrow 40 feet
Melee [one-action] horned crown +41 [+36/+31] (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 4d12+22 piercingMelee [one-action] mandible +41 [+37/+33] (agile, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 4d10+22 bludgeoning plus Improved GrabRanged [one-action] chirp +33 [+28/+23] (magical, range 60 feet), Damage 4d10+18 sonicRanged [one-action] magma jet +33 [+28/+23] (magical, range increment 60 feet), Damage 4d8+13 fire plus 2d6 persistent fire plus Obsidian CageBury Beneath Stone [one-action] (attack, primal) Requirements The warden has a creature grabbed; Effect The warden attempts to wedge a creature they have grabbed in their mandibles within a crack in the earth that opens beneath them. The warden attempts an Athletics check against the grabbed creature's Reflex DC. If they succeed, they bury the creature in the ground. The creature takes 10d10 bludgeoning damage. It is also restrained, slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating until it Escapes (DC 42). If the creature is still buried at the end of its turn, it takes 5d10 bludgeoning damage.Called to Depths The depths call to the warden, especially as they move through the air. When they Long Jump, they can use any unused movement from the Long Jump to Burrow. Additionally, the warden can Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock. When they do so, they move at their full burrow Speed.Erupting Jump [two-actions] (primal) The warden draws out a stream of lava, then jumps off the solidifying mass as it cools. The warden Leaps up to twice their Speed. When they land, the force of the impact deals 6d12 bludgeoning damage to all creatures within a 15-foot emanation with a DC 42 basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the creature is also pushed 10 feet away from the warden.Obsidian Cage Rapidly cooling obsidian clings to the target's body and stiffens around their limbs. The target must attempt a DC 42 Reflex save. On a failure, the target is immobilized until they Escape (DC 42). On a critical failure, the target is off-guard for as long as they remain immobilized.Vibratory Excavation [two-actions] (manipulate, primal) The warden screeches with a resonant call that tears apart earth and stone. They create a 10-foot-square, 50-foot-deep pit in earthen material or stone within 60 feet.Wall Cling The Warden of Caverns and Burrows clings to surfaces with their segmented feet. They do not need to use a hand to hold on to walls or ceilings.

No Icon Bury Beneath Stone [One-Action] (Attack, Primal)

Requirements The warden has a creature grabbed; Effect The warden attempts to wedge a creature they have grabbed in their mandibles within a crack in the earth that opens beneath them. The warden attempts an Athletics check against the grabbed creature's Reflex DC. If they succeed, they bury the creature in the ground. The creature takes 10d10 bludgeoning damage. It is also restrained, slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating until it Escapes (DC 42). If the creature is still buried at the end of its turn, it takes 5d10 bludgeoning damage.

No Icon Called To Depths

The depths call to the warden, especially as they move through the air. When they Long Jump, they can use any unused movement from the Long Jump to Burrow. Additionally, the warden can Burrow through any earthen matter, including rock. When they do so, they move at their full burrow Speed.

No Icon Erupting Jump[Two-Actions] (Primal)

The warden draws out a stream of lava, then jumps off the solidifying mass as it cools. The warden Leaps up to twice their Speed. When they land, the force of the impact deals 6d12 bludgeoning damage to all creatures within a 15-foot emanation with a DC 42 basic Fortitude save. On a critical failure, the creature is also pushed 10 feet away from the warden.

No Icon Obsidian Cage

Rapidly cooling obsidian clings to the target's body and stiffens around their limbs. The target must attempt a DC 42 Reflex save. On a failure, the target is immobilized until they Escape (DC 42). On a critical failure, the target is off-guard for as long as they remain immobilized.

No Icon Vibratory Excavation [Two-Actions] (Manipulate, Primal)

The warden screeches with a resonant call that tears apart earth and stone. They create a 10-foot-square, 50-foot-deep pit in earthen material or stone within 60 feet.

No Icon Wall Cling

The Warden of Caverns and Burrows clings to surfaces with their segmented feet. They do not need to use a hand to hold on to walls or ceilings.

All Monsters in "Wardens of the Wild"

Warden of Caverns and Burrows22
Warden of Forests and Meadows22
Warden of Ocean and Rivers22
Warden of Peaks and Skies22

Wardens of the Wild

Source Howl of the Wild pg. 203 2.1
Nethys Note: No description was provided for this group of creatures. All Wardens of the Wild share the following two abilities:

Voice of Nature Though the Wardens of the Wild do not speak in words, they can communicate complex concepts flawlessly and wordlessly with any animal, beast, plant, or other creature of the natural world through prolonged eye contact. Sapient creatures with strong ties to the natural world, such as animal instinct barbarians or druids who speak the Wildsong, can somewhat understand a Warden of the Wild, though the meaning can be vague.

Warden's Crown A Warden of the Wild's horned crown commands respect from wild creatures. Wild creatures native to a warden's biome automatically improve their attitude toward it by one step (up to friendly) and typically do not take hostile actions towards each other while in the warden's presence.