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Food SurplusEvent +0

Legacy Content

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 559
Local crops thrive, hunters do very well, or livestock numbers are greater than expected. If this event occurs, it immediately ends any ongoing food shortage event.
Kingdom Skill Agriculture; Leader Treasurer

Critical Success Your bumper crops include wild harvests that allow you to skip the entire Pay Consumption step of the Upkeep phase of your next Kingdom turn. Gain 1d6 Food Commodities.
Success Your excess crops lead to increased supplies. Treat your Consumption during the next Kingdom turn as 2 lower than its actual score and gain 1d6 Food Commodities.
Failure The food surplus isn't as huge as you'd expected. Treat your Consumption during the next turn as 1 lower than its actual score.
Critical Failure What you thought was an excess of food is infested with spoilage, ergot, or other contamination. Increase Unrest by 1 and one Ruin of your choice by1.