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Land RushEvent +1

Legacy Content

Dangerous Hex-KM 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 560
Location An unclaimed hex adjacent to your kingdom's border
Overeager settlers attempt to construct Farmland or a Work Site (as chosen by the GM) at their own expense in the wilderness, and they begin squabbling over the site's ownership.
Kingdom Skill Politics; Leader Viceroy

Critical Success You mediate the conflict among the settlers, and in thanks, they agree to join your kingdom. You automatically claim the Hex, gaining 10 kingdom XP (page 540) and increasing your kingdom's Size by 1 (this affects all statistics determined by Size; see page 532). You immediately gain the benefits of the Farmland or Work Site the settlers built. Decrease Unrest by 1.
Success You mediate the conflict among the settlers, and they agree to join your kingdom if you pay them 4 Resource Dice of RP. If you do so, treat this as a critical success. If you refuse, treat this as a Failure.
Failure The settlers refuse any overture to join your kingdom and their bickering continues, ultimately resulting in the destruction of their hard work and many deaths. Your kingdom isn't significantly impacted, but your failure to handle the situation generates unease. Increase Unrest by 1.
Critical Failure As failure, but the fighting spills over into your kingdom before it resolves itself. Increase Unrest by 1d4 and two Ruins of your choice by 1.