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PFS StandardElemental Familiar Feat 4

Source Rage of Elements pg. 59 2.0
Archetype Elementalist
Prerequisites Elementalist Dedication; Familiar

Your familiar becomes an elemental spirit capable of taking on aspects of the elements. Other than taking the form of an elemental instead of an animal, this familiar continues to use all the same rules as other familiars. If you want to give your familiar the elemental familiar abilities found on page 42, you must select that familiar ability.

Your familiar gains one additional familiar ability each day, which must be one of the following elemental familiar abilities. While your familiar has an elemental familiar ability, your familiar is composed of the associated elemental matter and gains the matching elemental trait. You can't select more than one elemental familiar ability at a time.
  • Air If your familiar stays completely still for 1 round, it becomes invisible until it next takes an action. Any motion, even being moved or carried by another creature, ends this effect.
  • Earth Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage (except adamantine) equal to half your level.
  • Fire Your familiar sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) and emits warmth. Creatures who remain within a 15-foot emanation don't take damage from severe environmental cold.
  • Metal Your familiar gains resistance to physical damage from metal weapons equal to half your level.
  • Water Your familiar can move through a gap at least 2 inches wide without Squeezing and can Squeeze through a gap at least 1 inch wide.
  • Wood If your familiar remains in bright light for 1 round, it gains fast healing equal to half your level. Once it is out of bright light, this effect ends.



This feat belongs to an archetype.