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Source Rage of Elements pg. 108 2.0
When Sairazul created xiomorns, they were immortal. She created 65,536, all in her own image, and all imbued with a piece of her divine spark. During her imprisonment, Ayrzul used visions of a future extinction to manipulate them into sacrificing their power to him. This sacrifice split xiomorns into two classes: 32,768 vault builders who kept Sairazul's essence and 32,768 vault keepers who would live forever no longer. For millennia, xiomorns built a vast, magical civilization across the Plane of Earth, and when there was no space left to build, they left. On each new world, xiomorns build their vaults and conduct their experiments, endlessly searching for clues to help them avoid their extinction.


Vault Builder (Creature 23), Vault Keeper (Creature 14)

Sidebar - Treasure and Rewards Crystal Crafters

Xiomorns have mastered the creation of numerous magic items made of crystal beyond generation stones and vault seeds. These include pillars of black stone called whisperstones that allow xiomorns to communicate telepathically across vaults, orvgates that use weblike funnels of green crystal to allow teleportation between Darklands vaults, and a vortex in Orv called the Crystal Womb that connects to a crucial stronghold on the Plane of Earth.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Vault Seeds

Xiomorns create magical underground caverns using vault seeds, ancient magical tools bequeathed to their species by Ayrzul as a reward for their sacrifice. The vault seeds were used to create the Vaults of Orv in Golarion's Darklands, and an accident involving an out-of-control vault seed created the mysterious Emerald Spire.