Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 8: Playing the Game / Downtime Mode

Shopping and Crafting

Source Player Core pg. 441 2.0
If you're at a location with shops that buy or sell magic items, you can buy, sell, or trade. Ask the GM what types of shopping options are available to you—it can vary greatly depending where you're spending your downtime!

Because of the complexities of finding shops that are looking for items you want to sell or that offer ones you want to buy, dedicated shopping takes 1 day of downtime. It might take longer if you're selling a large number of goods, expensive items that require a wealthy buyer, or items that aren't in high demand.

The Price of an item indicates the full cost to buy it. You can sell an item for half its Price. The GM might adjust these once in a while due to supply and demand or the particular merchants you're dealing with.

Item Crafting

Source Player Core pg. 441 2.0
You can spend downtime to use the Craft skill activity (page 236), making new items out of raw materials. Crafting can be an excellent way to refine the gear the party uses, including upgrading items and preparing ones you’re likely to need on an upcoming quest.