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PFS StandardThunderbird TuftItem 1+

Legacy Content

Catalyst Consumable Magical 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate Cast a Spell (add 1 action)
This carved chunk of amber contains a single tuft of gray feathers, which spark with electricity to create an odd jittery sensation in anyone holding the amber for long. When used as part of a shocking grasp spell, thunderbird tuft funnels electricity back into the spellcaster in a defensive nimbus. For 1 minute, any creature that touches you or that hits you with a melee unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon attack takes the listed electricity damage.

PFS StandardThunderbird Tuft (Lesser)Item 1

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 3 gp
Bulk L
The nimbus deals 1d4 electricity damage, or 1d6 electricity damage if the creature is using a metal weapon, but the nimbus only lasts 1 round, rather than the full minute.

PFS StandardThunderbird Tuft (Moderate)Item 5

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 25 gp
Bulk L
The nimbus deals 1d4 electricity damage, or 1d6 electricity damage if the creature is using a metal weapon.

PFS StandardThunderbird Tuft (Greater)Item 9

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 125 gp
Bulk L
The nimbus deals 2d4 electricity damage, or 2d6 electricity damage if the creature is using a metal weapon.

PFS StandardThunderbird Tuft (Major)Item 13

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 169 2.0
Price 500 gp
Bulk L
The nimbus deals 3d4 electricity damage, or 3d6 electricity damage if the creature is using a metal weapon.