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PFS StandardThrasfyr

As bizarre in appearance as they are ferocious, thrasfyrs resemble six-limbed bears with bull-like horns, draconic scales, and a fire-breathing serpent for a tail. Every thrasfyr is wrapped in animated chains psychically linked to the creature's mind.

Recall Knowledge - Beast (Arcana, Nature): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak ThrasfyrCreature 16

Legacy Content

Rare CE Huge Beast Fire Tane 
Source Bestiary 2 pg. 258 2.0
Perception +29; darkvision, see invisibility
Languages Aklo, Sylvan
Skills Athletics +32, Intimidation +29
Str +9, Dex +5, Con +9, Int -3, Wis +6, Cha +6
Planar Acclimation The thrasfyr always treats the plane it is located on as its home plane.
AC 38; Fort +33, Ref +26, Will +25; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 330, regeneration 25 (deactivated by acid or cold); Immunities fire; Resistances physical 15 (except cold iron); Weaknesses cold 15, cold iron 15
Speed 40 feet, climb 40 feet; air walk
Melee [one-action] chain +32 [+27/+22] (magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 3d10-2+17 bludgeoning plus Improved KnockdownMelee [one-action] jaws +30 [+25/+20] (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6-2+15 piercing plus 3d6-2 fireMelee [one-action] claw +30 [+26/+22] (agile, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d8-2+15 slashingMelee [one-action] horn +30 [+25/+20] (fatal d12, magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d12-2+15 piercingPrimal Innate Spells DC 35 (-4 dmg); 9th teleport (self and rider only); Constant (4th) air walk; (2nd) see invisibility
Breath Weapon [two-actions] The thrasfyr's serpent tail breathes a blast of flame in a 50-foot cone, dealing 10d12 fire damage (DC 38 basic Reflex save). It can't use Breath Weapon again for 1d4 rounds.Rider's Bond [one-action] (divination, mental, primal) The thrasfyr designates one creature as its rider by touching the rider with its claw. The thrasfyr and rider can communicate with each other telepathically at any range on the same plane and are aware of each other's present state, direction from each other, distance from each other, and any conditions affecting either.Tangling Chains [two-actions] (incapacitation, primal, transmutation) The thrasfyr thrashes its chains in all directions. Each creature in a 15-foot emanation takes 18d6 bludgeoning damage (DC 36 basic Reflex save); creatures that fail are immobilized until the start of the thrasfyr's next turn. The thrasfyr can't use Tangling Chains or make chain Strikes for 1d4 rounds.Whirling Frenzy [two-actions] The thrasfyr makes a jaws Strike, a horn Strike, and two claw Strikes, each against a different target. Each attack counts toward the thrasfyr's multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks.