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Secrets of Magic / Book of Unlimited Magic / Pervasive Magic / Creature Adjustments

Divine Adjustments

Source Secrets of Magic pg. 219 2.0
The creature gains the divine trait and can cast a single innate spell from the divine spell list once per day. Use the creature's level (see the table below) to determine the spell's level. Use the spell DC and spell attack roll on the table if the creature does not already have those statistics.

Creature LevelSpell Level (Statistics)Suggested Spells
–1 to 2Cantrip (DC 15, attack +7)Detect magic, divine lance, guidance, light
3 to 41st (DC 18, attack +10)Bane, bless, heal, sanctuary
5 to 62nd (DC 21, attack +13)Death knell, restoration, silence, spiritual weapon
7 to 83rd (DC 23, attack +15)Chilling darkness, heroism, sanctified ground, searing light
9 to 104th (DC 26, attack +18)Divine wrath, spell immunity
11 to 125th (DC 29, attack +21)Abyssal plague, flame strike, sending, spiritual guardian
13 to 146th (DC 31, attack +23)Blade barrier, righteous might
15 to 167th (DC 34, attack +26)Eclipse burst, energy aegis, sunburst
17 to 188th (DC 35, attack +27)Divine aura, spiritual epidemic
19 to 209th (DC 38, attack +30)Overwhelming presence, wail of the banshee
21 or higher10th (DC 42, attack +34)Miracle, revival