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New SubjectsEvent +0

Legacy Content

Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 561
A small group of intelligent creatures joins your kingdom and submits to your rule, bringing along their knowledge of hidden places within your kingdom. (The exact nature and ancestry of these new subjects is determined by the GM.)
Kingdom Skill Statecraft; Leader Emissary

Critical Success Your subjects blend in seamlessly and are welcomed by your citizens, while bringing their own unique contributions to your kingdom. You gain 6 bonus Resource Dice at the start of the next Kingdom turn, and you gain an additional Region activity during the Activity phase of the next Kingdom turn.
Success Your new subjects are welcomed, and their contributions help in the short term. Gain 3 bonus Resource Dice next turn.
Failure Your new subjects endure discrimination from intolerant citizens in your kingdom, but they nonetheless bring willing hands to work and such resources as they possess. Increase Unrest by 1 but gain 1 bonus Resource Die next turn.
Critical Failure Your new subjects encounter discrimination and xenophobia, and they are eventually driven back into the wild. Increase Unrest by 1d4 and Strife by 1.