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There is a Legacy version here.

PFS StandardApe

Source Player Core pg. 206 2.0
Your companion is an ape or other primate.
Size Small
Melee [one-action] fist, Damage 1d8 bludgeoning
Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +0
Hit Points 8
Skill Intimidation
Senses low-light vision
Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Support Benefit Your ape threatens your foes with menacing growls. Until the start of your next turn, if you hit and deal damage to a creature in your ape's reach, the creature becomes frightened 1.
Advanced Maneuver Frightening Display

Frightening Display [one-action]

Source Player Core pg. 206 2.0
Your ape makes a loud and frightening display, throwing a foe off balance. The ape attempts to Demoralize the target creature; this display gains the visual trait and doesn't require language. While frightened by this ability, the target is off-guard to your ape.