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Fire and IcebergItem 7+

Legacy Content

Uncommon Alchemical Consumable 
Source Grand Bazaar pg. 46
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
Fiery Anulite paprika, sunrise cinnamon, and winterbite are hidden inside this salad's translucent leaves, bringing the cool of snow and the heat of steam to every bite. The dueling sensations make some diners sweat and others shiver, but all leave with a lasting sense of heat and cold that make other sources pale in comparison. When you consume the salad, you gain resistance 5 to fire and cold for 1 minute.

PFS StandardFire and IcebergItem 7

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 46
Price 60 gp
Bulk L

PFS StandardFire and Iceberg (greater)Item 12

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 46
Price 350 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 10 to fire and cold for 5 minutes.

PFS StandardFire and Iceberg (Major)Item 17

Source Grand Bazaar pg. 46
Price 2,500 gp
Bulk L
You gain resistance 15 to fire and cold for 10 minutes.