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Ileosa's Shell

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Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 41
Unspecific Lore: DC 39
Specific Lore: DC 36

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Ileosa's ShellCreature 12

Legacy Content

Unique NE Medium Undead 
Source Shadows at Sundown pg. 49
Perception +22; greater darkvision
Languages Aklo, Common, Elven, Infernal, Shadowtongue, Thassilonian, Varisian; (can't speak any languages)
Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +25
Str +8, Dex +5, Con +5, Int +0, Wis +5, Cha +0
Escape From Hell (auditory, divine, emotion, fear, mental, necromancy) When Ileosa's shell is reduced to 0 HP, the hollow corpse immediately melts into a pool of blood, at the center of which lies her still-beating heart. A moment later, a crimson ghostly shape—Queen Ileosa's soul—rises from the heart. After the soul shrieks in relief at escaping from Hell, it rises through the ceiling and vanishes while the heart dies and rots. All creatures within 30 feet of the shell when this occurs must attempt a DC 30 Will save.
Critical Success A living creature becomes invigorated and elated by the sense of freedom from Hell, and becomes quickened for 1 minute. The creature can use the extra action each round only for Strike and Stride actions. An undead creature gains no benefit.
Success As success, but the creature can use the extra action only for Stride actions.
Failure The creature becomes frightened 1.
Critical Failure The creature becomes frightened 2.
AC 32; Fort +20, Ref +24, Will +22
HP 215 (negative healing); Immunities death effects, disease, mental, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances physical 10 (except silver); Weaknesses bleed 10
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] fangs +27 [+22/+17], Damage 3d12-2+8 piercing plus 2d6 persistent bleed and blood feastMelee [one-action] claw +27 [+23/+19] (agile), Damage 3d8-2+8 slashing plus 2d6 persistent bleedBlood Feast When a creature takes damage from a fangs Strike, the creature must succeed at a DC 31 Fortitude save or become enfeebled 1 (enfeebled 1 and drained 1 on a critical failure). The shell becomes quickened for 1 round, and can use the extra action only for fangs Strike actions against a creature that is taking persistent bleed damage. Further damage dealt by the shell increases the enfeebled condition by 1 on a failed save, to a maximum of enfeebled 4.