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Trapdoor ActuatorItem 3

Uncommon Large Mounted 
Source Howl of the Wild pg. 117 2.1
Price 140 gp; Ammunition iron rod (5 gp, 4 Bulk)
Usage mounted; Space 10 feet long, 4 feet wide, 6 feet high
Crew 2; Proficiency simple
AC 16; Fort +12; Ref +4
Hardness 5; HP 40 (BT 20); Immunities object immunities
Trapdoor actuators are designed to be well hidden (usually as part of a cliff face) and operated by small, untrained crews. Cleverly designed springs launch an iron rod from the protective wall. Typically, this level of camouflage allows the trapdoor actuator to remain unnoticed unless a creature succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check to spot it. After a launch, the trapdoor actuator’s camouflage can be reset as a two-action activity.

Aim [two-actions] 25 feet, minimum distance 10 feet

Load [two-actions] (manipulate) 2 times, requires a successful DC 20 Athletics check

Launch [one-action] (attack, manipulate, range increment 100 feet) 3d10 bludgeoning, single target, DC 18 Reflex