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Set Relics | Relic Aspects | Relic Seeds

Set Relics

Source Treasure Vault pg. 200 1.1
Some permanent magic items are strongly attuned to one another, forming a relic seed called a set relic or item set. Such items fit a theme, empowering a specific type of character. A set relic grants gifts and benefits based on its items working and growing more powerful in concert.

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Agathion Raiment

Good Relic 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 201 1.1
Aspects beast and celestial
An agathion raiment aids its wearer in finding diplomatic solutions to conflicts when possible, fighting evil directly when it's not, and guiding others along the path to redemption. A red draconal agathion created five agathion raiments and granted them to redeemer champions of great valor millennia ago. Since then, virtuous souls of various skill sets have assembled agathion raiments. This set functions only for good creatures.

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Archmage's Regalia

Source Treasure Vault pg. 201 1.1
Aspects life and mind
Many wizards have enhanced their spellcasting capabilities with an archmage's regalia. Legend tells of such a relic set that belonged to the wizard-king Nex, with powers far beyond that of a typical relic. Although some believe Nex took his regalia with him when he disappeared, several credible reports of items matching their descriptions have surfaced over the years. No one has yet managed to track down all five pieces, and it's possible some have been destroyed or otherwise lost.

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Duelist's Blazon

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects emotion (pride) and luck
A duelist's blazon set relic was once used by a legendary swordmaster, absorbing their verve, tenacity, and daring. Though each set contains the same items, they all have unique styles, from the elegant, rose-themed decor of the blazon of Taldan swashbuckler Miralla d'Asivran to the spiked sword and attire of Kuthonite maestro duelist Essinte Zaim. Duelists have been known to challenge one another over the set's components.

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Infiltration Garb

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects death and shadow
Several notable assassins, thieves, and others who work from the shadows have used an infiltration garb over the centuries. The nature of these professions means that such sets are often separated from their audacious users. Due to their association with subterfuge and assassins, sets of infiltration garbs have grim reputations. However, not all wielders use their powers maliciously. Notably, the faithful of Kelinahat, empyreal lord of spies, stealth, and intelligence gathering, view these relics as sacred tools in the fight against evil.

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Monk's Attire

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects emotion (dedication) and life
According to tales, some of the first monks to assemble the austere monk's attire were servants of Irori. This deity is a symbol of devotion and self-discovery through one's understanding of body, mind, and soul. Monk's attire resonates with Irori's dedication, focusing on the highest gain from minimal acquisition, eschewing material objects. Legend holds Irori did so, and that some famous monk's attire sets include a scrap of Irori's original possessions. Other monastic orders have similar traditions of minimal personal effects, with an emphasis on spiritual focus, practicality, and self-defense.

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Pharasma's Command

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects life and time
Pharasma's devoted followers vow to seek out and destroy undead wherever they can be found, a task made more urgent with the rise of Tar-Baphon. Though the Whispering Tyrant was prevented from taking over Golarion, his forces are still massing. Undead unaffiliated with the lich represent an unacceptable perversion of the cycle of life and death to Pharasmins, and permitting such creatures to exist is anathema to her. To aid her faithful in their sacred duty to send the dead where they belong, Pharasmin priests developed this item set. While using Pharasma's command, you must abide by her edicts and anathema or else the relic ceases to function for you until you atone. This set doesn't function for undead beings.

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Seer's Array

Source Treasure Vault pg. 202 1.1
Aspects mind and time
Diviners through the ages have employed a variety of tools to glimpse the future, but one who assembles five pieces of a seer's array gains strong second sight. Seer's arrays can be found across Golarion, from the caravans of Varisian harrowers to the scale diviners at the court of the Dragon King of Xa Hoi. A diviner who wears the array is bound to be sought after for counsel, and those who consult such farsighted individuals do well to heed any advice given.

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