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PFS LimitedRusting AmmunitionItem 13+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Force 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Ammunition any; Bulk
Activate [one-action] Interact
Rusting ammunition is made using a rust monster's saliva and, when activated, deals damage to objects or creatures primarily made of metal. The target takes persistent damage for a duration determined by the type of ammunition used. A creature that drops to 0 Hit Points while taking this persistent damage crumbles into fine powder; its gear remains. The ammunition's type determines the maximum amount of an object that's destroyed.

Craft Requirements Supply the saliva of a rust monster.

PFS LimitedRusting Ammunition (Moderate)Item 13

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 600 gp
The ammunition deals 3d8 persistent damage for up to 5 rounds. For an object, the ammunition destroys a 5-foot cube.

PFS LimitedRusting Ammunition (Greater)Item 18

Source Treasure Vault pg. 43 1.1
Price 3,600 gp
The ammunition deals 4d8 persistent damage for up to 6 rounds. For an object, the ammunition destroys a 10-foot cube.