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PFS StandardAdvancingItem 9+

Legacy Content

Magical Necromancy 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 12 1.1
Usage etched onto heavy armor; Bulk
This rune charges up as you defeat your foes, driving you forward across the battlefield with every victory.

Activate [free-action] command; Requirements Your last action or activity reduced an enemy to 0 Hit Points; Effect You Stride up to 15 feet. This movement doesn't trigger reactions. You can Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim instead of Striding if you have the corresponding movement type.

PFS StandardAdvancingItem 9

Source Treasure Vault pg. 12 1.1
Price 625 gp

PFS StandardAdvancing (Greater)Item 16

Source Treasure Vault pg. 12 1.1
Price 8,000 gp
You can Stride up to your Speed instead of 15 feet.