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Sea Touch ElixirItem 5+

Legacy Content

Alchemical Consumable Elixir Polymorph 
Source Core Rulebook pg. 549 4.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
This briny concoction alters the skin on your hands and feet. The spaces between your fingers and toes become webbed, granting you a swim Speed of 20 feet for the listed duration.

PFS StandardSea Touch Elixir (Lesser)Item 5

Source Core Rulebook pg. 549 4.0
Price 22 gp
The duration is 10 minutes.

PFS StandardSea Touch Elixir (Moderate)Item 12

Source Core Rulebook pg. 549 4.0
Price 300 gp
The duration is 1 hour, and you can breathe underwater.

PFS StandardSea Touch Elixir (Greater)Item 15

Source Core Rulebook pg. 549 4.0
Price 920 gp
The duration is 24 hours, and you can breathe underwater.