There is a Legacy version

Aiuvarin (
Versatile Heritage)
Aiuvarin Elf Source Player Core pg. 82 2.0PFS Note The “aiuvarin” and “half-elf” traits are considered interchangeable; half-elf characters have access to aiuvarin options and vice versa.
Elves' children with people of other ancestries, and the children of their children, are called “aiuvarin”, an elven word that refers to a poem about leaves that fall too quickly to the ground.Elves' children with people of other ancestries, and the children of their children, are called “aiuvarin”, an elven word that refers to a poem about leaves that fall too quickly to the ground. The most familiar aiuvarins in Golarion are born to an elf and a human, or to two aiuvarins. Those born of these unions are commonly referred to as “half-elves.” The life of an aiuvarin can be difficult, often marked by a struggle to fit in. Aiuvarins don't have their own homeland on Golarion, nor are populations of aiuvarins particularly tied to one another since they often have very disparate traditions from their parents' ancestries. Instead, they often attempt to find acceptance in their parents' cultures or settlements.
Aiuvarins often have pointed ears and can be lanky, along with manifesting traits from their non-elven ancestors. They lack the almost-alien eyes of their elf parents, and their work to find a place for themselves in communities where they're often out of sync with the dominant culture leads many to become artists or entertainers. Despite this innate socialization, many aiuvarins have difficulty forming lasting bonds with either of their parents' people due to the distance they feel from both communities as a whole.
Aiuvarins gain some, but not all, of their elven parent's longevity, and those with a human parent often live for around 150 years. This causes some of them to fear friendship and romance with humans, knowing that they'll likely outlive their companions.
You Might...
- Keep to yourself and find it difficult to form close bonds with others.
- Strongly embrace or reject one side or the other of your parentage.
- Identify strongly with and relate to other people with mixed ancestries.
Others Probably...
- Find you more approachable than elves.
- See you primarily through the lens of your elven heritage.
- Downplay the challenges of being caught between cultures.
Versatile Heritage
Source Player Core pg. 82 2.0Ancestry Page AiuvarinYou have elves, or possibly other aiuvarins, in your family tree. You have pointed ears and other telltale signs of elf heritage. You gain the
elf trait, the
aiuvarin trait, and
low-light vision. In addition, when you gain an ancestry feat, you can choose from aiuvarin and elf feats in addition to those from your ancestry.