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Elder Seed
Item 11Legacy Content
Rare Consumable Primal Transmutation Source Treasure Vault pg. 187 1.1Usage held in 1 hand;
Bulk L
Activate [one-action] Interact
An enormous, perfect, ripe seed from a tree important to a region's druids, an
elder seed exudes vitality. Plant life grows quickly and abundantly around it. Anyone who touches the seed understands the nature of its power. Swallowing it whole imparts its effects, but succeeding at the save against the boon causes the swallower to regurgitate the seed.
Stage 1 (9 Days) Your skin hardens, giving you a brownish-green tinge. You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage and piercing damage equal to your level, and you have
tremorsense out to a range of 30 feet. Also, you can cast
speak with animals,
speak with plants, and
web each once per day as primal innate spells. The web is a dense mycelial net rather than spider silk.
Stage 2 (1 Month) You gain
low-light vision and fluency in
Arboreal. However, your body feels stiffer, your mind slower to move to intense emotions, and you are prone to take your time making decisions. You become
clumsy 1, take a –1 status penalty to initiative rolls, and gain a weakness to fire damage equal to half your level, and you take the same amount of additional damage from
If you die at this stage or higher, your body sinks into the earth, forming rich soil. Over several days, a mature, full-sized tree of the seed's type grows where you fell. If plant growth is impossible, such as due to lack of sunlight, fungi grow there instead, extending mycelia through the earth until they reach a place the tree can grow. Then, the tree grows. An
arboreal can tend this tree to cause it to regrow one
elder seed after 3 years and 3 days.
Stage 3 (1 Month) You become more treelike and ponderous in body and mind, and when you cast the
enlarge innate spell from this boon, you can cast it at 4th level. The clumsy value increases to 2 and the status penalty increases to –2. Whenever you roll initiative, you become
slowed 1 automatically, slowed 2 if the d20 roll is 10 or lower, or slowed 3 if the d20 shows a 1. Your weakness to fire and vulnerability to axes equals your level.
Stage 4 You die.
Purging You must seek out an arboreal,
druid, or nature-loving
fey that is your level or higher whom you have never met, and pledge your allegiance to that being. Doing so places you under a
geas to accomplish at least one meaningful service, usually a quest, for your new liege. While under the geas, you can't advance to stage 4. Once you complete your service, you regurgitate the
elder seed, and its effects on you end.