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Basic ActionsRule Details
  • Aid [reaction] DC 15 check to give a +1 circumstance bonus to assisted skill check or attack roll (crit success: +2, +3 if master, +4 if legendary).
  • Crawl [one-action] (move) Move 5 feet while prone.
  • Delay [free-action] Select this when your turn begins; take your turn later.
  • Drop Prone [one-action] (move) Fall prone.
  • Escape [one-action] (attack) Attempt to get free when grappled, restrained, or immobilized. Use unarmed attack modifier, Acrobatics, or Athletics.
  • Interact [one-action] (manipulate) Grab an object, open a door, draw an item, or do a similar action.
  • Leap [one-action] (move) Jump horizontally 10 feet (15 feet if your Speed is 30 feet or more), or vertically 3 feet and horizontally 5 feet.
  • Ready [two-actions] (concentrate) Prepare to take a single action or free action as a reaction with a trigger you designate.
  • Release [free-action] (manipulate) Release something you're holding without triggering reactions.
  • Seek [one-action] (concentrate, secret) Scan an area for signs of creatures or objects using Perception.
  • Sense Motive [one-action] (concentrate, secret) See if a creature is lying.
  • Stand [one-action] (move) You stand up from prone.
  • Step [one-action] (move) Move 5 feet without triggering reactions.
  • Stride [one-action] (move) Move up to your Speed.
  • Strike [one-action] (attack) Attack with a weapon or unarmed attack.
  • Take Cover [one-action] Gain cover, or get greater cover if you have cover.
Specialty Basic ActionsRule Details
ConditionsRule Details
  • Blinded You can't see. All normal terrain is difficult terrain. You can't detect anything using vision. Automatically critically fail Perception checks that require you to see; if vision is your only precise sense, you take a –4 status penalty to Perception checks. You are immune to visual effects. Blinded overrides dazzled.
  • Broken A broken object can't be used, nor does it grant bonuses. Broken armor grants its item bonus to AC, but gives a status penalty to AC (–1 light, –2 medium,–3 heavy). An effect that makes an item broken reduces the item's HP to its Broken Threshold.
  • Clumsy Take a status penalty equal to your clumsy value on Dexterity-based checks and DCs, including AC, Reflex saves, ranged attacks, and skill checks using Acrobatics, Stealth, and Thievery.
  • Confused You are off-guard, don't treat anyone as your ally, and can't Delay, Ready, or use reactions. Use all your actions to Strike or cast offensive cantrips. The GM determines targets randomly. If you have no other option, target yourself, automatically hitting. If it's impossible for you to attack or cast spells, you babble incoherently, wasting your actions. Each time you take damage from an attack or spell, attempt a DC 11 flat check to end the condition.
  • Controlled Your controller dictates how you act.
  • Dazzled All creatures and objects are concealed from you.
  • Deafened Automatically critically fail Perception checks that require hearing. Take a –2 status penalty to Perception checks for initiative and checks that involve sound but also rely on other senses. If you perform an action that has the auditory trait, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or the action is lost. You are immune to auditory effects.
  • Drained Take a status penalty equal to your drained value on Constitution-based checks, such as Fortitude saves. Lose Hit Points equal to your level times the drained value, and your maximum Hit Points are reduced by the same amount. When you regain Hit Points by resting for 8 hours, your drained value is reduced by 1, but you don't immediately recover the lost Hit Points.
  • Encumbered You're clumsy 1 and take a –10-foot penalty to all your Speeds.
  • Enfeebled Take a status penalty equal to your enfeebled value to Strength-based rolls and DCs, including Strength-based melee attack rolls, Strength-based damage rolls, and Athletics checks.
  • Fascinated Take a –2 status penalty to Perception and skill checks, and you can't use actions with the concentrate trait unless they are related to the subject of your fascination. This condition ends if a creature takes hostile actions toward you or any of your allies.
  • Fatigued Take a –1 status penalty to AC and saving throws. During exploration, you can't choose an exploration activity. Recover from fatigue after a full night's rest.
  • Fleeing On your turn, spend each action trying to escape the source of the condition as expediently as possible. You can't Delay or Ready.
  • Frightened Take a status penalty equal to the value to all checks and DCs. At the end of each of your turns, the value decreases by 1.
  • Grabbed You're immobilized and off-guard. If you attempt a manipulate action, you must succeed at a DC 5 flat check or it is lost.
  • Immobilized You can't take any action with the move trait. If you're immobilized by something holding you in place and an external force would move you, the force must succeed at a check against the DC of the effect holding you in place you or the relevant defense (usually Fortitude DC) of the creature holding you in place.
  • Off-Guard Take a –2 circumstance penalty to AC.
  • Paralyzed You're off-guard and can't take actions except Recall Knowledge and others that require only your mind. You can't Seek.
  • Persistent Damage Instead of taking persistent damage immediately, take it at the end of each of your turns, rolling any damage dice each time. After you take persistent damage, roll a DC 15 flat check to see if you recover. If you succeed, the condition ends. You or an ally can help you recover, allowing an additional flat check. This usually takes 2 actions, and must be something that would reasonably help against the source of the damage. The GM can reduce the DC to 10, have the damage end automatically, or change the number of actions.
  • Petrified You can't act, nor can you sense anything. You're an object with double your normal Bulk (typically 12 if Medium or 6 if Small), AC 9, Hardness 8, and the same current HP you had when alive.
  • Prone You're off-guard with a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls. The only move actions you can take are Crawl and Stand. Standing ends the prone condition. You can Take Cover while prone, gaining greater cover against ranged attacks (but remain off-guard).
  • Quickened You gain 1 additional action at the start of your turn each round. Many effects that make you quickened specify the types of additional actions you can use. Because quickened has its effect at the start of your turn, you don't gain actions immediately if you become quickened during your turn.
  • Restrained You're tied up and can barely move, or a creature has you pinned. You are immobilized and off-guard, and you can't use any actions with the attack or manipulate traits except to attempt to Escape or Force Open your bonds. Restrained overrides grabbed.
  • Sickened Take a status penalty equal to the value on all checks and DCs. You can't willingly ingest anything. You can spend an action retching to attempt a Fortitude save against the DC of the sickening effect. On a success, reduce the value by 1 (2 on a critical success).
  • Slowed When you regain your actions at the start of your turn, reduce the number of actions by your slowed value. You don't lose actions immediately if slowed during your turn.
  • Stunned You can't act. A stunned value indicates how many total actions you lose. Each time you regain actions, reduce the number by your stunned value, then reduce your stunned value by the number of actions lost. If stunned has a duration, lose all your actions for the listed duration. Stunned overrides slowed. Actions lost to stunned count toward those lost to slowed.
  • Stupefied Take a status penalty equal to the value to checks and DCs based on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, including Will saves, spell attack rolls and DCs, and appropriate skill checks. If you Cast a Spell, it's disrupted unless you succeed at a flat check (DC = 5 + value).
Death and DyingRule Details
  • Knocked Out When reduced to 0 HP, move your initiative position to directly before the turn in which you were reduced to 0 HP. Gain dying 1, or dying 2 if the damage came from a critical hit or your critical failure on a save. A nonlethal effect makes you unconscious at 0 HP and doesn't give you the dying condition.
  • Dying You are unconscious. If you ever reach dying 4, you die. Attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn to determine whether you get better or worse. If you ever have 1 HP or more, you lose the dying condition. Any time you lose the dying condition, increase your wounded value by 1. If you take damage while dying, increase the dying value by 1 (or 2 on an enemy's critical success or your critical failure).
  • Recovery Checks At the start of your turn when you're dying, attempt a flat check (DC 10 + your dying value).
    Critical Success Your dying value is reduced by 2.
    Success Your dying value is reduced by 1.
    Failure Your dying value increases by 1.
    Critical Failure Your dying value increases by 2.
  • Wounded Any time you gain the dying condition, add your wounded value to the amount you gain or increase your dying value. The wounded condition ends if you receive HP from Treat Wounds, or if you're restored to full HP and rest for 10 minutes.
  • Doomed The maximum dying value at which you die is reduced by your doomed value. If your maximum dying value is reduced to 0, you instantly die. Your doomed value decreases by 1 each time you get a full night's rest.
Exploration ActivitiesRule Details
You must move at half speed to use any of these activities, except Hustle.
Hero PointsRule Details
Give out 1 Hero Point to each PC at the start of the session. Give out roughly 1 more per hour of play, for a heroic act or a moderate or major accomplishment. Hero Points can be spent in two ways.
  • Spend 1 Hero Point to reroll a check and use the second result. This is a fortune effect.
  • Spend all your Hero Points to avoid death. You can do this when your dying condition would increase. Lose the dying condition and stabilize with 0 Hit Points. Don't gain or increase your wounded value from losing the dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition you don't lose it or decrease it.
Icon Key [one-action] Single Action
[two-actions] Two-Action Activity
[three-actions] Three-Action Activity
[free-action] Free Action
[reaction] Reaction
TurnsRule Details
  1. Start your Turn Your durations measured in rounds decrease by 1; use one triggered action with a trigger of “your turn begins”; attempt a recovery check if you're dying; regain your 3 actions and 1 reaction.
  2. Act Use your actions.
  3. End your Turn End anything that lasts until the end of your turn; take persistent damage and attempt to recover from it; use one triggered action with a trigger of “your turn ends”.
UnconsciousRule Details
You can't wake up from unconsciousness while you have 0 Hit Points. If you're unconscious and have 1 or more Hit Points, you wake up in one of five ways.
  • You take damage, provided the damage doesn't drop you to 0 HP.
  • You receive healing, other than natural healing from resting.
  • Someone nudges or shakes you awake with an Interact action.
  • If there's loud noise, at the start of your turn attempt a Perception check against the noise's DC, waking up if you succeed. If creatures are attempting to stay quiet, this uses their Stealth DC.
  • The GM decides you wake up either because you have had a restful night's sleep or something disrupted that restful sleep.


Creature IdentificationRule Details
Use the creature's level, adjusted for rarity and fame. Success recalls a well-known attribute; critical success adds something more subtle.

Creature Identification Skills

Creature TraitSkills
BeastArcana, Nature
ConstructArcana, Crafting
ElementalArcana, Nature
Detecting CreaturesRule Details
  • Observed A creature you're observed by knows where you are and can target you normally.
  • Concealed A creature that you're concealed from must succeed at a DC 5 flat check when targeting you with a non-area effect.
  • Hidden A creature you're hidden from knows the space you're in. It is off-guard to you, and must succeed at a DC 11 flat check to affect you. You can Hide to become hidden, and Seek to find hidden creatures.
  • Undetected When you are undetected by a creature, it's off-guard to you, can't see you, has no idea what space you occupy, and can't target you. It can try to guess your square by picking a square and attempting an attack. This works like targeting a hidden creature, but the flat check and attack roll are rolled in secret by the GM.
  • Unnoticed A creature you're unnoticed by is totally unaware of your presence.
  • Invisible You're undetected by everyone. You can't become observed while invisible except via special abilities or magic.
Earn IncomeClick here for the Earned Income calculator

Income Earned

Task LevelDCFailedTrainedExpertMasterLegendary
0141 cp5 cp5 cp5 cp5 cp
1152 cp2 sp2 sp2 sp2 sp
2164 cp3 sp3 sp3 sp3 sp
3188 cp5 sp5 sp5 sp5 sp
4191 sp7 sp8 sp8 sp8 sp
5202 sp9 sp1 gp1 gp1 gp
6223 sp1 gp, 5 sp2 gp2 gp2 gp
7234 sp2 gp2 gp, 5 sp2 gp, 5 sp2 gp, 5 sp
8245 sp2 gp, 5 sp3 gp3 gp3 gp
9266 sp3 gp4 gp4 gp4 gp
10277 sp4 gp5 gp6 gp6 gp
11288 sp5 gp6 gp8 gp8 gp
12309 sp6 gp8 gp10 gp10 gp
13311 gp7 gp10 gp15 gp15 gp
14321 gp, 5 sp8 gp15 gp20 gp20 gp
15342 gp10 gp20 gp28 gp28 gp
16352 gp, 5 sp13 gp25 gp36 gp40 gp
17363 gp15 gp30 gp45 gp55 gp
18384 gp20 gp45 gp70 gp90 gp
19396 gp30 gp60 gp100 gp130 gp
20408 gp40 gp75 gp150 gp200 gp
20 (critical success)50 gp90 gp175 gp300 gp
Skill ActionsRule Details
D Downtime action, E Exploration action

Acrobatics (Dex)

Balance [one-action] , Tumble Through [one-action]
Trained Maneuver in Flight [one-action] , Squeeze E

Arcana (Int)

Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Borrow an Arcane Spell E, Decipher Writing , Identify Magic , Learn a Spell

Athletics (Str)

Climb [one-action] , Force Open [one-action] , Grapple [one-action] , High Jump [two-actions] , Long Jump [two-actions] , Reposition [one-action] , Shove [one-action] , Swim [one-action] , Trip [one-action]
Trained Disarm [one-action]

Crafting (Int)

Recall Knowledge [one-action] , Repair E
Trained Craft D, Earn Income , Identify Alchemy E

Deception (Cha)

Create a Diversion [one-action] , Impersonate E, Lie
Trained Feint [one-action]

Diplomacy (Cha)

Gather Information E, Make an Impression E, Request [one-action]

Intimidation (Cha)

Coerce E, Demoralize [one-action]

Lore (Int)

Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Earn Income

Medicine (Wis)

Administer First Aid [two-actions] , Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Treat Disease D, Treat Poison [one-action] , Treat Wounds E

Nature (Wis)

Command an Animal [one-action] , Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Identify Magic , Learn a Spell

Occultism (Int)

Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Decipher Writing , Identify Magic , Learn a Spell

Performance (Cha)

Perform [one-action]
Trained Earn Income

Religion (Wis)

Recall Knowledge [one-action]
Trained Decipher Writing , Identify Magic , Learn a Spell

Society (Int)

Recall Knowledge [one-action] , Subsist
Trained Create Forgery D, Decipher Writing

Stealth (Dex)

Conceal an Object [one-action] , Hide [one-action] , Sneak [one-action]

Survival (Wis)

Sense Direction E, Subsist
Trained Cover Tracks E, Track E

Thievery (Dex)

Palm an Object [one-action] , Steal [one-action]
Trained Disable a Device [two-actions] , Pick a Lock [two-actions]
Treat WoundsAction Details

Treat Wounds

ProficiencyDCSuccess HealingCritical Healing
* Rolling against a higher DC is optional.


CoverRule Details
Draw a line from the center of the attacker's space or burst to the center of the target's space.
  • Lesser Cover +1 circumstance bonus to AC if line passes through creatures but no objects.
  • Cover +2 circumstance bonus to AC, Reflex saves against area effects, and Stealth checks to Hide or Sneak. You can use Take Cover to increase this to greater cover.
  • Greater Cover As cover, but a +4 bonus.
Environmental DamageRule Details

Environmental Damage

Falling DamageRule Details
When you fall more than 5 feet, take bludgeoning damage equal to half the distance you fell. If you take any damage, you land prone. If you fall into water or a soft substance, calculate damage as though the fall were 20 feet shorter, 30 if you intentionally dove in (up to the depth of the substance).
Force OpenAction Details

Forcing Open

StructureForce Open DC
Stuck door or window15
Exceptionally stuck20
Lift wooden portcullis20
Lift iron portcullis30
Bend metal bars30
StructuresRule Details

Doors, Gates, and Walls

DoorClimb DCHardness, HP (BT)
Wood2010, 40 (20)
Stone3014, 56 (28)
Reinforced wood1515, 60 (30)
Iron3018, 72 (36)
WallClimb DCHardness, HP (BT)
Crumbling masonry1510, 40 (20)
Wooden slats1510, 40 (20)
Masonry2014, 56 (28)
Hewn stone3014, 56 (28)
Iron4018, 72 (36)
PortcullisClimb DCHardness, HP (BT)
Wood1010, 40 (20)
Iron1018, 72 (36)
TemperatureRule Details

Temperature Effects

Incredible cold-80º F or colder (-62º C or colder)2 hoursModerate cold every minute
Extreme cold-79º F to -21º F (-61º C to -29º C)4 hoursMinor cold every 10 minutes
Severe cold-20º F to 12º F (-28º C to -11º C)4 hoursMinor cold every hour
Mild cold13º F to 32º F (-10º C to 0º C)4 hoursNone
Normal33º F to 94º F (1º C to 34º C)8 hoursNone
Mild heat95º F* to 104º F* (35º C to 40º C)4 hoursNone
Severe heat105º F* to 114º F (41º C to 45º C)4 hoursMinor fire every hour
Extreme heat115º F to 139º F (46º C to 59º C)4 hoursMinor fire every 10 minutes
Incredible heat140º F or warmer (60º C or warmer)2 hoursModerate fire every minute
* Adjust temperatures down by 15º F (9º C) in areas of high humidity
TerrainRule Details
Travel SpeedRule Details

Travel Speed

SpeedFeet per MinuteMiles per HourMiles per Day


Creature NumbersRule Details
You can use the following table to improvise a monster without creating a stat block. Most of these use the high numbers from GM Core.

Creature Numbers

LevelSkillACHighMediumLowHPStrikeSpell DC and Attack
–1+515+8+5+29+8 for 1d4+116/+8
0+616+9+6+318+8 for 1d6+216/+8
1+716+10+7+425+9 for 1d6+317/+9
2+818+11+8+538+11 for 1d10+418/+10
3+1019+12+9+655+12 for 1d10+620/+12
4+1221+14+11+875+14 for 2d8+521/+13
5+1322+15+12+995+15 for 2d8+722/+14
6+1524+17+14+11120+17 for 2d8+924/+16
7+1725+18+15+12145+18 for 2d10+925/+17
8+1827+19+16+13170+20 for 2d10+1126/+18
9+2028+21+18+15195+21 for 2d10+1328/+20
10+2230+22+19+16220+23 for 2d12+1329/+21
11+2331+24+21+18245+24 for 2d12+1530/+22
12+2533+25+22+19270+26 for 3d10+1432/+24
13+2734+26+23+20295+27 for 3d10+1633/+25
14+2836+28+25+22320+29 for 3d10+1834/+26
15+3037+29+26+23345+30 for 3d12+1736/+28
16+3239+30+28+25370+32 for 3d12+1837/+29
17+3340+32+29+26395+33 for 3d12+1938/+30
18+3542+33+30+27420+35 for 3d12+2040/+32
19+3743+35+32+29445+36 for 4d10+2041/+33
20+3845+36+33+30470+38 for 4d10+2242/+34
Encounter BudgetRule Details

Encounter Budget

ThreatXP BudgetCharacter Adjustment
Trivial40 or less10 or less

Creature XP and Role

Creature LevelXPSuggested Role
Party Level -410Low-threat lackey
Party Level -315Low- or moderate-threat lackey
Party Level -220Any lackey or standard creature
Party Level -130Any standard creature
Party Level40Any standard creature or low-threat boss
Party Level +160Low- or moderate-threat boss
Party Level +280Moderate- or severe-threat boss
Party Level +3120Severe- or extreme-threat boss
Party Level +4160Extreme-threat solo boss

Hazard XP

XP Award
LevelSimple HazardComplex Hazard
Party level -42 XP10 XP
Party level -33 XP15 XP
Party level -24 XP20 XP
Party level -16 XP30 XP
Party level8 XP40 XP
Party level +112 XP60 XP
Party level +216 XP80 XP
Party level +324 XP120 XP
Party level +430 XP150 XP
Hazard NumbersRule Details
You can use the following table to improvise a hazard without creating a stat block. Most of these use the high numbers from GM Core.

Hazard Numbers

LevelStealth or Disable DCACHighLowHardness, HP (BT)AttackDamageDC
–115/1815+8+23, 12 (6)+102d4+116/19
016/1916+9+34, 16 (8)+112d6+316/19
117/2016+10+46, 24 (12)+132d6+517/20
218/2118+11+58, 32 (16)+142d10+718/22
320/2319+12+611, 44 (22)+162d10+1320/23
422/2521+14+812, 48 (24)+174d8+1021/25
523/2622+15+913, 52 (26)+194d8+1422/26
625/2824+17+1114, 56 (28)+204d8+1824/27
727/3025+18+1215, 60 (30)+224d10+1825/29
828/3127+19+1316, 64 (32)+234d10+2226/30
930/3328+21+1517, 68 (34)+254d10+2628/32
1032/3530+22+1618, 72 (36)+264d12+2629/33
1133/3631+24+1820, 80 (40)+284d12+3030/34
1235/3833+25+1921, 84 (42)+296d10+2732/36
1337/4034+26+2022, 88 (44)+316d10+3133/37
1438/4136+28+2223, 92 (46)+326d10+3534/39
1540/4337+29+2324, 96 (48)+346d12+3336/40
1642/4539+30+2526, 104 (52)+356d12+3537/41
1743/4640+32+2628, 112 (56)+376d12+3738/43
1845/4842+33+2730, 120 (60)+386d12+4140/44
1947/5043+35+2932, 128 (64)+408d10+4041/46
2048/5145+36+3034, 136 (68)+418d10+4442/47
ReputationRule Details


Favor+1 RP+2 RP+5 RP
Disservice-1 RP-2 RP-5 RP or more
ReputationReputation PointsRaised ByLowered By
Revered30 to 50Major favorModerate or major disservice
Admired15 to 29Major favorAny disservice
Liked5 to 14Moderate or major favorAny disservice
Ignored–4 to 4Any favorAny disservice
Disliked–5 to –14Any favorModerate or major disservice
Hated–15 to –29Any favorMajor disservice
Hunted–30 to –50Moderate or major favorMajor disservice
Treasure by EncounterRule Details

Treasure by Encounter

LevelTotal Treasure per LevelLowModerateSevereExtremeExtra Treasure
1175 gp13 gp18 gp26 gp35 gp35 gp
2300 gp23 gp30 gp45 gp60 gp60 gp
3500 gp38 gp50 gp75 gp100 gp100 gp
4850 gp65 gp85 gp130 gp170 gp170 gp
51,350 gp100 gp135 gp200 gp270 gp270 gp
62,000 gp150 gp200 gp300 gp400 gp400 gp
72,900 gp220 gp290 gp440 gp580 gp580 gp
84,000 gp300 gp400 gp600 gp800 gp800 gp
95,700 gp430 gp570 gp860 gp1,140 gp1,140 gp
108,000 gp600 gp800 gp1,200 gp1,600 gp1,600 gp
1111,500 gp865 gp1,150 gp1,725 gp2,300 gp2,300 gp
1216,500 gp1,250 gp1,650 gp2,475 gp3,300 gp3,300 gp
1325,000 gp1,875 gp2,500 gp3,750 gp5,000 gp5,000 gp
1436,500 gp2,750 gp3,650 gp5,500 gp7,300 gp7,300 gp
1554,500 gp4,100 gp5,450 gp8,200 gp10,900 gp10,900 gp
1682,500 gp6,200 gp8,250 gp12,400 gp16,500 gp16,500 gp
17128,000 gp9,600 gp12,800 gp19,200 gp25,600 gp25,600 gp
18208,000 gp15,600 gp20,800 gp31,200 gp41,600 gp41,600 gp
19355,000 gp26,600 gp35,500 gp53,250 gp71,000 gp71,000 gp
20490,000 gp36,800 gp49,000 gp73,500 gp98,000 gp98,000 gp
Treasure by LevelRule Details

Party Treasure by Level

LevelTotal ValuePermanent Items (By Item Level)Consumables (By Item Level)Party CurrencyCurrency per Additional PC
1175 gp2nd: 2, 1st: 22nd: 2, 1st: 340 gp10 gp
2300 gp3rd: 2, 2nd: 23rd: 2, 2nd: 2, 1st: 270 gp18 gp
3500 gp4th: 2, 3rd: 24th: 2, 3rd: 2, 2nd: 2120 gp30 gp
4850 gp5th: 2, 4th: 25th: 2, 4th: 2, 3rd: 2200 gp50 gp
51,350 gp6th: 2, 5th: 26th: 2, 5th: 2, 4th: 2320 gp80 gp
62,000 gp7th: 2, 6th: 27th: 2, 6th: 2, 5th: 2500 gp125 gp
72,900 gp8th: 2, 7th: 28th: 2, 7th: 2, 6th: 2720 gp180 gp
84,000 gp9th: 2, 8th: 29th: 2, 8th: 2, 7th: 21,000 gp250 gp
95,700 gp10th: 2, 9th: 210th: 2, 9th: 2, 8th: 21,400 gp350 gp
108,000 gp11th: 2, 10th: 211th: 2, 10th: 2, 9th: 22,000 gp500 gp
1111,500 gp12th: 2, 11th: 212th: 2, 11th: 2, 10th: 22,800 gp700 gp
1216,500 gp13th: 2, 12th: 213th: 2, 12th: 2, 11th: 24,000 gp1,000 gp
1325,000 gp14th: 2, 13th: 214th: 2, 13th: 2, 12th: 26,000 gp1,500 gp
1436,500 gp15th: 2, 14th: 215th: 2, 14th: 2, 13th: 29,000 gp2,250 gp
1554,500 gp16th: 2, 15th: 216th: 2, 15th: 2, 14th: 213,000 gp3,250 gp
1682,500 gp17th: 2, 16th: 217th: 2, 16th: 2, 15th: 220,000 gp5,000 gp
17128,000 gp18th: 2, 17th: 218th: 2, 17th: 2, 16th: 230,000 gp7,500 gp
18208,000 gp19th: 2, 18th: 219th: 2, 18th: 2, 17th: 248,000 gp12,000 gp
19355,000 gp20th: 2, 19th: 220th: 2, 19th: 2, 18th: 280,000 gp20,000 gp
20490,000 gp20th: 420th: 4, 19th: 2140,000 gp35,000 gp
Victory PointsRule Details

Accumulating Rolls

Critical Success: The PCs gain 2 Victory Points.
Success: The PCs gain 1 Victory Point.
Critical Failure: The PCs lose 1 Victory Point.

Diminishing Rolls

Critical Success: If regaining ground is possible, the PCs gain 1 Victory Point. Otherwise, as success.
Success The PCs avoid losing any Victory Points.
Failure: The PCs lose 1 Victory Point.
Critical Failure: The PCs lose 2 Victory Points.

Victory Point Scales

Duration of ChallengeVP End PointVP Thresholds
Quick encounter3–5
Long encounter7–104
Most of a session15–255, 10, 15
Adventure-wide, sideline15–205, 10, 15
Adventure-wide, forefront25–5010, 20, 30, 40
XP AwardsRule Details

XP Awards

AccomplishmentXP Award
Minor10 XP
Moderate*30 XP
Major*80 XP
*Typically earns a Hero Point as well.
Adversary LevelXP Award
Party level -410 XP
Party level -315 XP
Party level -220 XP
Party level -130 XP
Party level40 XP
Party level +160 XP
Party level +280 XP
Party level +3120 XP
Party level +4160 XP

XP Award
LevelSimple HazardComplex Hazard
Party level -42 XP10 XP
Party level -33 XP15 XP
Party level -24 XP20 XP
Party level -16 XP30 XP
Party level8 XP40 XP
Party level +112 XP60 XP
Party level +216 XP80 XP
Party level +324 XP120 XP
Party level +432 XP160 XP
Elite AdjustmentRule Details
  • Add 2 to AC, attack bonus, DCs, saves, Perception, and skills.
  • Add 2 to damage for Strikes and offensive abilities, or 4 for abilities that can be used only a limited number of times.
  • Increase HP using this table:

Elite Adjustment

Starting LevelHP Increase
1 or lower10
Weak AdjustmentRule Details
  • Subtract 2 from AC, attack bonus, DCs, saves, Perception, and skills.
  • Subtract 2 from damage for Strikes and offensive abilities, or 4 for abilities that can be used only a limited number of times.
  • Decrease HP using this table:

Weak Adjustment

Starting LevelHP Decrease

Reference Lists & Tables

DC AdjustmentsRule Details

DC Adjustments

Incredibly easy-10-
Very easy-5-
Very hard+5Rare
Incredibly hard+10Unique
DCs by LevelRule Details

DCs by Level

Spell Rank*DC
*If the spell is uncommon or rare, its
difficulty should be adjusted accordingly
Material StatisticsRule Details

Material Hardness, Hit Points, and Broken Threshold

MaterialHardnessHPBTExample Items
Paper01Book pages, paper fan, scroll
Thin cloth01Kite, silk dress, undershirt
Thin glass01Bottle, spectacles, window pane
Cloth142Cloth armor, heavy jacket, sack, tent
Glass142Glass block, glass table, heavy vase
Glass structure284Glass block wall
Thin leather284Backpack, jacket, pouch, strap, whip
Thin rope284Standard adventuring rope
Thin wood3126Chair, club, sapling, wooden shield
Leather4168Leather armor, saddle
Rope4168Industrial rope, ship rigging
Thin stone5168Chalkboard, slate tiles, stone cladding
Thin iron or steel52010Chain, steel shield, sword
Wood52010Chest, simple door, table, tree trunk
Stone72814Paving stone, statue
Iron or steel93618Anvil, iron or steel armor, stove
Wooden structure104020Reinforced door, wooden wall
Stone structure145628Stone wall
Iron or steel structure187236Iron plate wall
Simple DCsRule Details

Simple Skill DCs

Task DifficultySimple DC
Specific Skill DCsRule Details
  • Craft Use a DC of the item's level, adjusted for rarity.
  • Earn Income Tasks The task level is typically the settlement's level, and its DC uses the task level. Typical levels: village 0–1, town 2–4, city 5–7.
  • Gather Information Set a simple DC based on the notoriety of the subject; adjust upward if the character seeks in-depth information.
  • Identify Magic or Learn a Spell Use the DC for the spell or item's level, adjusted by rarity; use the incredibly hard adjustment for cursed items.
  • Recall Knowledge Set a simple DC; if the character tries again for more knowledge, adjust the DC one step higher each time until they fail or attempt an incredibly hard check.
  • Sense Direction Pick a simple DC: trained in normal wilderness, expert in deep forest/underground, master or legendary in weird/surreal environments.
  • Social Skills Use Will DC if known; if not, improvise a level.
  • Track Select a simple DC, or a Survival DC if the quarry Covers Tracks.
Weapon Traits
  • Agile: The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.
  • Alchemical: Alchemical items are powered by reactions of alchemical reagents. Unless otherwise noted, alchemical items aren’t magical and don’t radiate a magical aura.

    Alchemical creatures are partially powered by alchemical reactions.
  • Attached: An attached weapon must be combined with another piece of gear to be used. The trait lists what type of item the weapon must be attached to. You must be wielding or wearing the item the weapon is attached to in order to attack with it. For example, shield spikes are attached to a shield, allowing you to attack with the spikes instead of a shield bash. An attached weapon is usually bolted onto or built into the item it’s attached to, and typically an item can have only one weapon attached to it. An attached weapon can be affixed to an item with 10 minutes of work and a successful DC 10 Crafting check; this includes the time needed to remove the weapon from a previous item, if necessary. If an item is destroyed, its attached weapon can usually be salvaged.
  • Backstabber: When you hit an off-guard creature, this weapon deals 1 precision damage in addition to its normal damage. The precision damage increases to 2 if the weapon is a +3 weapon.
  • Backswing: You can use the momentum from a missed attack with this weapon to lead into your next attack. After missing with this weapon on your turn, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your next attack with this weapon before the end of your turn.
  • Brace: A brace weapon is effective at damaging moving opponents. When you Ready to Strike an opponent that moves within your reach, until the start of your next turn Strikes with the brace weapon deal an additional 2 precision damage for each weapon damage die it has.
  • Brutal: A ranged attack with this trait uses its Strength modifier instead of Dexterity on the attack roll.
  • Capacity: Weapons that have the capacity trait typically have multiple barrels or chambers capable of containing a bolt or round of ammunition. Capacity is always accompanied by a number indicating the number of barrels or chambers. After a capacity weapon is fired, you can select the next loaded barrel or chamber as an Interact action that doesn't require a free hand. You can use abilities that let or require you to Interact to reload to switch barrels or chambers of a capacity weapon instead. Each barrel or chamber can be individually reloaded after it's fired as a separate Interact action.
  • Climbing: The hand holding this weapon is freely available to Climb.
  • Clockwork: Clockworks are intricate, complex constructs that can be programmed to perform specific functions. A clockwork creature must be wound regularly to function.

    Clockwork items use clockwork to function, though they don’t necessarily require daily winding.

    Wind-Up: To remain operational, a clockwork vehicle or creature must be wound with a unique key by a creature. This takes an amount of time listed in the clockwork's wind-up entry, which also lists how long the clockwork remains operational once wound; after this duration, the clockwork becomes inactive and immobile until it's wound again. Some clockworks' abilities require them to spend some of their remaining operational time. They can't spend more than they have and shut down immediately once they have 0 time remaining. If it's unclear when a clockwork was last wound, most are re-wound approximately halfway through their operating time.

    A clockwork vehicle can be placed into standby mode by its pilot as a 3-action activity; a clockwork creature must perform this activity itself. A clockwork's operational time doesn't decrease in standby.

    A creature can attempt to Disable a Device to wind a clockwork down (with a DC listed in the wind-up entry). For each success, a clockwork vehicle loses 10 minutes of operational time, while a clockwork creature loses 1 hour. This can be done even if the clockwork is in standby mode.

    Broken clockwork vehicles have difficulty holding energy. The first time each round that a broken clockwork vehicle moves, it must attempt a DC 5 flat check. On a failure, it loses 10 minutes of operational time.
  • Cobbled: This firearm is cobbled together and likely to misfire. No matter how well you upkeep it, on a failed attack roll, the attack misses and you must roll a DC 5 flat check. If you fail this check, the weapon misfires.
  • Combination: Combination weapons combine the functionality of melee weapons and ranged weapons in unique or unusual ways. A combination weapon has a ranged form or usage and a melee weapon form or usage. The combination weapons table lists the ranged weapon statistics first and the melee weapon statistics indented beneath, just above the ammunition. Switching between the melee weapon usage and the ranged weapon usage requires an Interact action. However, if your last action was a successful melee Strike against a foe using a combination weapon, you can make a ranged Strike with the combination weapon against that foe without fully switching to the ranged weapon usage, firing the ranged weapon just as you hit with the melee attack. In this case, the combination weapon returns to its melee usage after the ranged weapon Strike.

    Since a combination weapon is one weapon with two usages, both usages share any fundamental runes. You can put a property rune on a combination weapon as long as it's appropriate for either of the two usages, but if only one of the usages meets the property rune's requirements, the effects of the property rune only apply for that usage. For instance, a vorpal axe musket only applies the vorpal property rune when you're using it as an axe. Due to their complexity, combination weapons can't have another weapon, such as a bayonet or reinforced stock, attached to them.
  • Concealable: This weapon is designed to be inconspicuous or easily concealed. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks and DCs to hide or conceal a weapon with this trait.
  • Concussive: These weapons smash as much as puncture. When determining a creature's resistance or immunity to damage from this weapon, use the weaker of the target's resistance or immunity to piercing or to bludgeoning. For instance, if the creature were immune to piercing and had no resistance or immunity to bludgeoning damage, it would take full damage from a concussive weapon. Resistance or immunity to all physical damage, or all damage, applies as normal.
  • Conrasu: A people that are made of cosmic force given consciousness and housed within unique exoskeletons. Conrasus craft and use these weapons.
  • Critical Fusion: Critical fusion is a trait for combination weapons that grants you two additional options for the critical specialization effect when using the combination weapon's melee version to make a melee attack while the ranged weapon is loaded. If you choose to use one of them, it replaces the melee usage's normal critical specialization effect.

    First, if the ranged weapon is a firearm, you can discharge it to create a loud bang and concussion, using the critical specialization effect for firearms instead of the melee weapon group's critical specialization effect. Second, you can choose to discharge the ranged weapon to increase the critical hit's momentum or shoot the foe as you attack in melee, dealing 2 additional damage per weapon damage die. Both of these options discharge the ranged weapon, which typically means you have to reload it before firing it again.
  • Deadly: On a critical hit, the weapon adds a weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon’s damage. This increases to two dice if the weapon has a greater striking rune and three dice if the weapon has a major striking rune. For instance, a rapier with a greater striking rune deals 2d8 extra piercing damage on a critical hit. An ability that changes the size of the weapon’s normal damage dice doesn’t change the size of its deadly die.
  • Disarm: You can use this weapon to Disarm with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. This uses the weapon’s reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls (if any) as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Disarm using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure. On a critical success, you still need a free hand if you want to take the item.
  • Double Barrel: This weapon has two barrels that are each loaded separately. You can fire both barrels of a double barrel weapon in a single Strike to increase the weapon damage die by one step. If the weapon has the fatal trait, this increases the fatal die by one step.
  • Dwarf: A creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves.
  • Elf: A creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. Elves are mysterious people with rich traditions of magic and scholarship who typically have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by elves. A weapon with this trait is created and used by elves.
  • Fatal: The fatal trait includes a die size. On a critical hit, the weapon’s damage die increases to that die size instead of the normal die size, and the weapon adds one additional damage die of the listed size.
  • Fatal Aim: It’s possible to hold the stock of this weapon under one arm so you can fire it with a single hand as long as the other hand isn’t holding a weapon, shield, or anything else you would need to move and position, to ensure the weapon doesn’t slip out from under your arm. However, if you use both hands, the weapon can make fatal attacks. When you wield the weapon in two hands, it gains the fatal trait with the listed damage die. Holding the weapon underarm stably enough to fire is significantly more complicated than just releasing one hand from the weapon, so to switch between the two grips, you must do so with an Interact action rather than Releasing or as part of reloading.
  • Finesse: You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still calculate damage using Strength.
  • Forceful: This weapon becomes more dangerous as you build momentum. When you attack with it more than once on your turn, the second attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to the number of weapon damage dice, and each later attack gains a circumstance bonus to damage equal to double the number of damage dice.
  • Free-Hand: This weapon doesn’t take up your hand, usually because it is built into your armor. A free-hand weapon can’t be Disarmed. You can use the hand covered by your free-hand weapon to wield other items, perform manipulate actions, and so on. You can’t attack with a free-hand weapon if you’re wielding anything in that hand or otherwise using that hand. When you’re not wielding anything and not otherwise using the hand, you can use abilities that require you to have a hand free as well as those that require you to be wielding a weapon in that hand. Each of your hands can have only one free-hand weapon on it.
  • Geniekin: An umbrella term for planar scions descended from beings from the Elemental Planes. Geniekin craft and use these weapons.
  • Ghoran: Ghorans are sapient plants grown in the shape of humanoids with floral faces.
  • Gnome: A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by gnomes. A weapon with this trait is created and used by gnomes.
  • Goblin: A creature with this trait is a small, frantic goblinoid. Goblins tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or chosen only by goblins. A weapon with this trait is created and used by goblins.
  • Grapple: You can use this weapon to Grapple with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. This uses the weapon’s reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Grapple using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.
  • Grippli: Gripplis are a family of frog-like humanoids. Gripplis craft and use these weapons.
  • Halfling: A creature with this trait is a member of the halfling ancestry. These small people are friendly wanderers considered to be lucky. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by halflings. A weapon with this trait is created and used by halflings.
  • Hampering: A weapon with the hampering trait includes a disruptive limb or flange. After you hit with the weapon, you can use an Interact action to give the target a –10-foot circumstance penalty to all Speeds. The penalty ends after the target takes a move action, at the start of your next turn, if you attack with the weapon, or if you move out of reach of the target, whichever comes first.
  • Injection: This weapon can be filled with a liquid, usually an injury poison. Immediately after a successful attack with the weapon, you can inject the target with the loaded contents with a single Interact action. (If the target is willing, the injection takes only 1 Interact action total.) Refilling the weapon with a new substance requires 3 Interact actions and uses two hands.
  • Jousting: The weapon is suited for mounted combat with a harness or similar means. When mounted, if you moved at least 10 feet on the action before your attack, add a circumstance bonus to damage for that attack equal to the number of damage dice for the weapon. In addition, while mounted, you can wield the weapon in one hand, changing the damage die to the listed value. As a part of your action to Mount a creature, you can switch your grip on a jousting weapon to one-handed. After that, changing your grip takes the same actions described on page 268. If you dismount while wielding a jousting weapon onehanded, you can switch to using two hands as part of that action if you have a hand free at that point. If not, you’ll still be holding the weapon in one hand, but not wielding it.
  • Kickback: A kickback weapon is extra powerful and difficult to use due to its high recoil. A kickback weapon deals 1 additional damage with all attacks. Firing a kickback weapon gives a –2 circumstance penalty to the attack roll, but characters with 14 or more Strength ignore the penalty. Attaching a kickback weapon to a deployed bipod, tripod, or other stabilizer can lower or negate this penalty.
  • Modular: The weapon has multiple configurations that you can switch between using an Interact action. Typically, switching between configurations of a modular weapon allows it to deal different types of damage (listed in the trait, such as “modular B, P, or S”), though it's possible for a modular weapon's description to list more complicated configurations.
  • Monk: Abilities with this trait are from the monk class. A weapon with this trait is primarily used by monks.
  • Mounted: Mounted siege weapons take up a certain size and space, and typically have statistics to allow them to be attacked. They're used for large-scale warfare.
  • Nonlethal: Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal weapon to make a lethal attack with a –2 circumstance penalty.
  • Orc: A creature with this trait is a member of the orc ancestry. These green-skinned people tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by orcs. An item with this trait is created and used by orcs.
  • Parry: This weapon can be used defensively to block attacks. While wielding this weapon, if your proficiency with it is trained or better, you can spend a single action to position your weapon defensively, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of your next turn.
  • Portable: Portable siege weapons, such as battering rams, can be more easily carried and have a role in both warfare and smaller conflicts or exploration.
  • Propulsive: You add half your Strength modifier (if positive) to damage rolls with a propulsive ranged weapon. If you have a negative Strength modifier, you add your full Strength modifier instead.
  • Range: These attacks will either list a finite range or a range increment, which follows the normal rules for range increments.
  • Ranged Trip: The weapon can be used to Trip with the Athletics skill within the weapon’s first range increment. The skill check takes a –2 circumstance penalty. You can add the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as a bonus to the check. A ranged trip weapon doesn’t deal any damage when used to Trip. These weapons are usually thrown.
  • Razing: Razing weapons are particularly good at damaging objects, structures, and vehicles. Whenever you deal damage to an object (including shields and animated objects), structure, or vehicle with a razing weapon, the object takes an amount of additional damage equal to double the number of weapon damage dice.
  • Reach: This weapon can be used to attack enemies up to 10 feet away instead of only adjacent enemies. For creatures with reach, the weapon increases their reach by 5 feet.
  • Recovery: Recovery weapons are thrown weapons designed to return to the thrower when they miss the target. When you make an unsuccessful thrown Strike with this weapon, it flies back to your hand after the Strike is complete, allowing you to try again. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, it falls to the ground in your space.
  • Reload: While all weapons need some amount of time to get into position, many ranged weapons also need to be loaded and reloaded. This entry indicates how many Interact actions it takes to reload such weapons. This can be 0 if drawing ammunition and firing the weapon are part of the same action. If an item takes 2 or more actions to reload, the GM determines whether they must be performed together as an activity, or you can spend some of those actions during one turn and the rest during your next turn.
  • Repeating: A repeating weapon is a type of ranged weapon with a shorter reload time. These weapons can't be loaded with individual bolts or bullets like other crossbows and firearms; instead, they require a magazine of specialized ammunition to be loaded into a special slot. Once that magazine is in place, the ammunition is automatically loaded each time the weapon is cocked to fire, reducing its reload to the value in its reload entry (typically 0). When the ammunition runs out, a new magazine must be loaded, which requires a free hand and 3 Interact actions (to remove the old magazine, retrieve the new magazine, and slot the new magazine in place). These actions don't need to be consecutive and are the same as Interacting to reload.
  • Resonant: This weapon can channel energy damage. You gain the Conduct Energy free action while wielding a resonant weapon.
  • Scatter: This weapon fires a cluster of pellets in a wide spray. Scatter always has an area listed with it, indicating the radius of the spray. On a hit, the primary target of attacks with a scatter weapon take the listed damage, and the target and all other creatures within the listed radius around it take 1 point of splash damage per weapon damage die.
  • Shove: You can use this weapon to Shove with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. This uses the weapon’s reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Shove using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.
  • Sweep: This weapon makes wide swinging attacks. When you attack with this weapon, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to your attack roll if you already attempted to attack a different target this turn using this weapon.
  • Tearing: This weapon is edged with curved teeth that leave bleeding wounds. When you hit a creature with this weapon, it deals an additional 1 persistent bleed damage. This increases to 2 persistent bleed damage if the weapon has a greater striking rune.
  • Tethered: This weapon is attached to a length of rope or chain that allows you to retrieve it after it has left your hand. If you have a free hand (including if you've just thrown a two-handed tethered weapon and have a hand holding nothing but the weapon's tether), you can use an Interact action to pull the weapon back into your grasp after you have thrown it as a ranged attack or after it has been disarmed (unless it's being held by another creature).
  • Thrown: You can throw this weapon as a ranged attack; it is a ranged weapon when thrown. You add your Strength modifier to damage as you would for a melee weapon. When this trait appears on a melee weapon, it also includes the range increment. Ranged weapons with this trait use the range increment in the weapon’s Range entry.
  • Training: A training weapon is designed to be used when training an animal to participate in combat by identifying the target for the animal to attack. Striking a creature with a training weapon gives your animal companion or your bonded animal a +1 circumstance bonus to its next attack roll against that target.
  • Trip: You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. This uses the weapon’s reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Trip using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.
  • Twin: These weapons are used as a pair. When you attack with a twin weapon, you add a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the weapon’s number of damage dice if you have previously attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn. The weapons must be of the same type, but they don’t need to have the same runes.
  • Two-Hand: This weapon can be wielded with two hands to change its weapon damage die to the indicated value. This change applies to all the weapon’s damage dice.
  • Unarmed: An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured weapon. An unarmed attack isn’t a weapon, though has a weapon group and might have weapon traits. An unarmed attack can’t be Disarmed. It also doesn’t take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping appendage generally works like a free-hand weapon.
  • Vanara: Vanaras are monkeylike humanoids who share a devotion to monastic training.
  • Vehicular: A vehicular weapon is attached to a vehicle or worn by a mount and can typically only be wielded by the driver of the vehicle or the mount's primary rider. The driver or rider can control a vehicular weapon with the same hands they use to steer the vehicle or guide the mount. A vehicular weapon can be Disarmed by knocking the controls (typically reins for a mount or a steering device for a vehicle) out of the wielder's hands.
  • Venomous: These weapons inject poison into every hit. When you hit a creature with this weapon, it deals an additional 1 persistent poison damage. This increases to 2 persistent poison damage if the weapon has a greater striking rune.
  • Versatile: A versatile weapon can be used to deal a different type of damage than its listed type. This trait indicates the alternate damage type. For instance, a piercing weapon with versatile S can deal piercing or slashing damage. You choose the damage type each time you attack.
  • Vishkanya: These faintly ophidian humanoids have venomous blood and saliva.
  • Volley: This ranged weapon is less effective at close distances. Your attacks against targets that are at a distance within the range listed take a –2 penalty.