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PFS StandardBloodrager

Source War of Immortals pg. 60
There is a visceral power in blood. It sustains life through its flow. Bloodragers exist throughout societies in different forms. Matanji orcs are demon hunters that turn the power of fiendish blood against its vessels. The Skoan-Quah protect the tombs of their dead, preserved with containers of their fallen companions’ blood. This blood is used by their closest living comrades in combat to utilize lost power and knowledge or drank during festivities to celebrate once more with their companions in battle. In Ustalav, cloaked ministers perform rituals with the blood of extraplanar entities to feed and strengthen their congregation against all manner of maladies and horrors. In Casmaron, divine entities coordinate with mortals to provide their blood as catalysts in wars against hidden threats.

Whatever the path, bloodragers have awakened magical powers to become dangerous forces of physical and magical might wherever there is blood to be found.

Bloodrager 1st

You use the power of ingested blood to generate magical power and fuel you in combat, transforming you into a horrifyingly fearsome opponent. You must select Bloodrager Dedication as your 2nd-level class feat.

Prerequisites: You must be a barbarian.

Bloodrager Adjustments: You are trained in Athletics, Medicine, and a number of additional skills equal to 2 plus your Intelligence modifier, instead of your normal starting skill proficiencies.

You must choose the bloodrager instinct for your barbarian instinct.

Bloodrager Instinct

Drinking the potent magical blood of supernatural creatures has changed you and awakened magical power within you, along with a grim thirst.

Blood Rage (Instinct Ability): When raging, your physical attacks deal extra persistent bleed damage equal to half your additional damage from Rage. When you Cast a Spell that requires a spell attack roll while raging, apply the additional damage from Rage to that spell, even on a failure.

Specialization Ability: When using blood rage, increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 to 4. If you have greater weapon specialization, instead increase the damage from 4 to 8.

Raging Resistance: You resist slashing damage and persistent bleed damage, as well as damage dealt by the creature whose blood you last drank using Harvest Blood (see Bloodrager Dedication), regardless of the damage type.

Additional Feats

Source Player Core pg. 215 2.0
Some archetypes include a list of “Additional Feats” that appear in other sources. The list includes each feat’s level, which might be different than normal when gained from the archetype. You can take the feat as an archetype feat of that level, meaning it counts toward the number of feats required by the archetype’s dedication feat. When selected this way, a feat that normally has a class’s trait (such as the fighter trait) doesn’t have that class trait.

Click here for the full rules on Additional Feats.

PFS StandardBloodrager Dedication Feat 2

Archetype Class Dedication 
Source War of Immortals pg. 60
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Bloodrager

Drinking powerful blood has awakened magical potential within you. You gain a spell repertoire with two cantrips of your choice, from either the arcane or divine spell list. You choose these cantrips from the common spells for your tradition or from other spells you have access to on that tradition’s spell list. At least one cantrip must require a spell attack roll. You’re trained in spell attack modifier and spell DC. Your key spellcasting attribute for these spells is Charisma. Spells in your repertoire gain the rage trait while you are raging, and when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire, you become drained 1 (or increase the value of your drained condition by 1); you can reduce the value of this condition only by Harvesting Blood.

You become trained in Arcana if you chose arcane cantrips or Religion if you chose divine cantrips. If you were already trained in this skill, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You also gain the Harvest Blood action.Harvest Blood [one-action] Requirements Your last action was a successful piercing or slashing melee Strike against a creature that is not immune to bleed; Effect You consume the blood lingering upon your weapon. You reduce the value of your drained condition by 1, gain temporary Hit Points equal to your Constitution modifier, and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to saving throws against that creature's spells for 1 minute, or until you Harvest Blood from another creature.

PFS StandardBlood Calls Blood [reaction] Feat 4

Archetype Fortune 
Source War of Immortals pg. 60
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Bloodrager Dedication
Trigger You fail a flat check to Cast a Spell or your spell would be disrupted by another creature’s reaction.

The magical potency of your blood will not be denied. You finish Casting the Spell, then become drained 1 or increase the value of your drained condition by 1.

PFS StandardRising Blood Magic Feat 4

Source War of Immortals pg. 61
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Bloodrager Dedication

The power within your blood grows. You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new rank from the bloodrager archetype, add a common spell of the appropriate tradition and rank to your repertoire. In addition, when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire and you are at least drained 1, increase the extra damage dealt by that spell from Rage by 1.

PFS StandardSplit Shot [one-action] Feat 4

Concentrate Sorcerer Spellshape 
Source Player Core 2 pg. 154 1.1
Archetype Bloodrager

You fragment a ranged spell. If your next action is to Cast a Spell without a duration that requires an attack roll against a single target, you can choose a second target within range. You roll a single attack roll and compare the result to the AC of both targets. This counts as one attack for your multiple attack penalty. To the second target, the spell deals half the amount of damage it would normally deal and has no effects beyond the spell's initial damage (such as imposing conditions or penalties).

PFS StandardSiphon Magic [one-action] Feat 6

Archetype Rage 
Source War of Immortals pg. 61
PFS Note Siphon Magic cannot not be used on friendly allies or defeated opponents.
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Bloodrager Dedication
Requirements Your last action was to Harvest the Blood of a creature that can cast spells

You gorge upon the magical energies of your foe’s blood. You regain one expended spell slot that must be of a lower rank than the highest rank spell you can cast. You become drained 1 or increase the value of your drained condition by 1.

PFS StandardBespell Strikes [free-action] Feat 8*

Oracle Sorcerer Wizard 
Source Player Core pg. 202 2.0, Player Core 2 pg. 139 1.1
Archetype Bloodrager
Frequency once per turn
Requirements Your most recent action was to cast a non-cantrip spell
* This version of the Bespell Strikes feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You siphon spell energy into one weapon you’re wielding, or into one of your unarmed attacks, such as a fist. Until the end of your turn, the weapon or unarmed attack deals an extra 1d6 force damage and gains the arcane trait if it didn’t have it already. If the spell dealt a different type of damage, the Strike deals this type of damage instead (or one type of your choice if the spell could deal multiple types of damage).

PFS StandardSpelldrinker [one-action] Feat 8

Source War of Immortals pg. 61
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Rising Blood Magic
Requirements Your last action was to Harvest Blood.

You temporarily add a 3rd-rank spell to your spell repertoire, as determined by the type of creature whose blood you just drank. If the creature has more than one of the listed traits, choose one and gain the appropriate spell. If the granted spell is not on your chosen tradition’s list, you cast the spell as though it was from your chosen tradition. The spell is removed from your spell repertoire after 24 hours, the next time you use. Spelldrinker, or when you next make your daily preparations, whichever comes first.

Trait Spell Notes
Aberration vampiric feast
Animal, beast summon animalSummoned creatures appear as otherworldly versions of the creature whose blood you drank.
Celestial holy light
Dragonblazing bolt Instead of fire damage, this spell deals the same damage as the dragon breath of the dragon whose blood you drank (if applicable).
Fey wall of thorns
Fiendchilling darkness
Giantpummeling rubble
Humanoidcrisis of faith
Monitorimpending doom

Special If you have Surging Blood Magic, you can add the spell at 4th rank. If you have Exultant Blood Magic, you can add the spell at 7th rank.

PFS StandardHematocritical Feat 10

Archetype Fortune Rage 
Source War of Immortals pg. 61
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Bloodrager Dedication
Requirements Your last action was a Strike that critically hit a creature that isn’t immune to bleed damage.

You bathe in the arterial fluids of your enemy, drinking deep of their freed essence to empower your magic and increase your spellcasting efficacy. If your next action is to Cast a Spell that requires a spell attack roll, you roll the spell attack roll twice and use the better result; this is a fortune effect. Alternatively, if your next action is to cast a spell that requires the creature damaged by the triggering strike to attempt a save, they roll twice and take the lower result; this is a misfortune effect.

PFS StandardEnergy Ward [free-action] Feat 12*

Source Player Core 2 pg. 154 1.1
Archetype Bloodrager
Frequency once per turn
Requirements Your most recent action was to cast a non-cantrip spell that dealt energy damage.
* This version of the Energy Ward feat is intended for use with an Archetype and has a different level for access than the original feat.

You convert energy from the last spell you cast into a protective ward. Until the start of your next turn, you gain resistance to one type of energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, sonic, vitality, or void) equal to 4 + the rank of the spell.

PFS StandardSurging Blood Magic Feat 12

Source War of Immortals pg. 61
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Rising Blood Magic; master in Arcana or Religion, depending on your chosen tradition

Your blood courses with magic. You gain the expert spellcasting benefits. In addition, when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire and you are at least drained 2, increase the extra damage dealt by that spell from Rage by an additional 2 (for a total of 3).

PFS StandardExultant Blood Magic Feat 18

Source War of Immortals pg. 61
Archetype Bloodrager
Prerequisites Surging Blood Magic; legendary in Arcana or Religion, depending on your chosen tradition

The magic in your blood sings an exultant song of battle. You gain the master spellcasting benefits. Increase the spell slots you gain from the bloodrager archetype feats by 1 for each spell rank. In addition, when you Cast a Spell from your repertoire and you are at least drained 2, double the extra damage dealt by that spell from Rage instead.