
Source Rage of Elements pg. 123 2.0
An item with the censer trait must be filled with incense to Activate it, which ignites the incense and causes the censer to exude a cloud of smoke. The smoke creates an aura in an emanation from the censer's square. The smoke lasts for 1 minute but is immediately dispersed by a strong wind (ending the activation) or if you Dismiss the activation to snuff out the incense. Unless specifically noted otherwise, the smoke from a censer isn't thick enough to make creatures concealed, and you can choose to be immune to the smoke of any censer you Activate. You must be holding a censer to Activate it, but if you Release the censer, the incense continues to burn from the censer's location.

A magical censer requires incense, as noted in its activation, which can be purchased in most settlements. You can use an alchemical or magical incense item for this purpose, but the magic of the censer overwhelms the incense and negates any other magical or alchemical properties it has. You can typically use the censer without activating it to burn incense as though it were a mundane censer.