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PFS StandardSpun CloudItem 2+

Air Bottled Breath Consumable Magical 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
On the Elemental Plane of Air, small clouds of differing colors can sometimes float separately from other cloud formations. Clever people can spin these clouds into small handfuls, creating a magical bundle of elemental power. Unlike most bottled breath, spun clouds don't have any effect on you while you hold them in your lungs, but you can exhale the cloud as a single action. When exhaled, the cloud flows out and expands into a 20-foot burst within 60 feet of you. The cloud dissipates after 1 minute.

PFS StandardSpun Cloud (White)Item 2

Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Price 7 gp
Bulk L
A white cloud swirls with winds that speed up travel. A creature that starts its turn in the cloud gains a +10-foot item bonus to its land Speed and fly Speed (if it has one) until the end of its turn.

PFS StandardSpun Cloud (Blue)Item 6

Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Price 50 gp
Bulk L
A blue cloud protects against lightning. Creatures gain resistance 5 to electricity while in the cloud.

PFS StandardSpun Cloud (Black)Item 7

Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Price 70 gp
Bulk L
A dark storm cloud conceals creatures within it. Creatures outside the cloud are concealed to creatures within it.

PFS StandardSpun Cloud (Red)Item 8

Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Price 100 gp
Bulk L
A red cloud terrifies those it surrounds. Any creature in the cloud, or that later enters the cloud, must succeed at a DC 24 Will save or become frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its save, the creature becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. This is an emotion, fear, and mental effect.

PFS StandardSpun Cloud (Green)Item 9

Source Rage of Elements pg. 76 2.0
Price 125 gp
Bulk L
A green cloud smells terrible, making those inside ill. Any creature that ends its turn in the cloud must succeed at a DC 25 Fortitude save or be sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure). Regardless of the result of its save, the creature becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours. This is an olfactory poison effect.