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Snail CoachVehicle 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon Huge 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 96 2.0
Price 1,000 gp
Shaped like its animal namesake, a snail coach is a trolley powered by a combination of magic and alchemical adhesives, with a hard outer shell to protect itself from attacks. The adhesive trail both allows it to climb and leaves a hindrance for pursuing foes.
Space 30 feet long, 10 feet wide, 15 feet high
Crew 1 pilot; Passengers 6
Piloting Check Driving Lore (DC 23) or Crafting (DC 25)
AC 21; Fort +15
Hardness 10, HP 100 (BT 50); Immunities object immunities
Speed 15 feet, climb 15 feet (alchemical, magical)
Collision 7d6 (DC 21)
Adhesive Secretions This vehicle secretes an alchemical adhesive that allows it to stick to and climb up solid surfaces. Spaces the snail coach moves through become difficult terrain for 1 round. Any creature that ends their turn on the adhesive must succeed at a DC 23 Reflex save or take a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is also immobilized for 1 round (Escape DC 23).