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PFS StandardAtheism

Legacy Content

Source Gods & Magic pg. 97 2.0, Core Rulebook pg. 441 4.0, Core Rulebook pg. 440 4.0
In a world where the gods demonstrably exist, few people uphold a strictly atheistic or agnostic worldview; that is, a belief that there are no gods, or that the existence of gods is unknowable. However, a good number of people choose not to worship any deities whatsoever. Many do so because of the value they place on freedom—not being beholden to a deity means no limitations, no censure, no anathema, and no strictures. While this decision might sound amoral to some, for atheists, it can be motivated by a desire for autonomy and the right to choose one's own fate.

Category Faiths & Philosophies
Edicts none
Anathema none
Follower Alignments all
Divine Sanctification can choose holy or unholy [Nethys Note: Generated per Remaster Compatibility FAQ]