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PFS LimitedGuide

Guides bring travelers, tourists, and adventurers into the wondrous natural world, using their expertise to avoid deadly monsters and gruesome hazards.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 19
Unspecific Lore: DC 17
Specific Lore: DC 14

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak GuideCreature 3

Legacy Content

N Medium Human Humanoid 
Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 217
Perception +12
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +12, Scouting Lore +10, Stealth +9, Survival +10
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +0
Items composite shortbow (40 arrows), greataxe, scale mail
AC 19; Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +12
HP 45
Guide's Warning [reaction] Trigger The guide is about to roll a Perception or Survival check to determine their initiative; Effect The guide visually or audibly warns allies, granting them a +1 circumstance bonus to their initiative rolls. Depending on how the guide warns allies, this action has the auditory or visual trait.
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] greataxe +10 [+5/+0] (sweep), Damage 1d12-2+6 slashingRanged [one-action] composite shortbow +7 [+2/-3] (deadly 1d10, propulsive, range increment 60 feet, reload 0), Damage 1d6-2+2 piercingGuiding Words [one-action] The guide points out a weakness of a creature within 30 feet. The guide and all allies that can hear or see the guide gain a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls against that creature until the beginning of the guide's next turn. The guide adds an extra 1d6 precision damage to their weapon and unarmed attacks that hit that creature during the duration.

Sidebar - Advice and Rules Tips From The Guide

You might allow PCs who Follow the Expert when led by a guide to continue to add their level to the skill check for some time afterward: 1 hour if the guide is an expert, 1 day for master, or 1 week for legendary. (The guide here has expert Athletics, Scouting Lore, and Survival.) A character can have this benefit for only one skill at a time.

All Monsters in "Explorers"

Tomb Raider5


Source Gamemastery Guide pg. 216
The world is a wide, open place fraught with peril and adventure. Explorers use their knowledge of nature and survival skills to see every corner of the land.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Pathfinder Chronicles

The Pathfinder Society's quarterly compilation includes outlandish tales like the following.
  • A mount gleams of silver, its inhabitants beings born of metal.
  • A hedge maze extends to faraway nations and distant worlds.
  • In faraway chasms, the haunted clockwork wails in a thousand voices.