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LightlockHazard 7

Legacy Content

Rare Magical Trap 
Source Pathfinder #200: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint pg. 87
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 25 (expert)
Description The strange fog layer on the walls swirls and churns, then suddenly fires several beams of dark mist into the room.
Disable Thievery DC 27 (master) to disrupt some of the hidden runes that focus the trap's energies, or dispel magic (4th level, counteract DC 25) or any spell with the Light trait to counteract the trap
Freeze the Awful Light [reaction] (cold, darkness, evocation) Trigger A creature carrying a light source ends their turn in area F8; Effect The walls fire beams of chilling dark fog at the triggering creature, who takes 10d6 cold damage (DC 25 basic Fortitude save). The beams also attempt to counteract any light source the triggering creature carries. Non-magical light sources of 7th level or less are automatically extinguished. Against other light sources, the lightlock casts a 4th-level dispel magic spell with a counteract modifier of +14 to attempt to counteract the light.