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Risen Fetch

Echoes of the corrupted soul of the undead can be used to spawn a fetch as well. A risen fetch appears more as its source did in life than as an undead.

Recall Knowledge - Fey (Nature): DC 49
Recall Knowledge - Plant (Nature): DC 49
Unspecific Lore: DC 47
Specific Lore: DC 44

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Risen FetchCreature 21

Legacy Content

Rare CE Large Fey Plant 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 613
Perception +36; darkvision, true seeing
Languages Common, Sylvan; tongues
Skills Acrobatics +36, Athletics +38, Deception +40, Intimidation +40, Nature +36, Occultism +40, Society +36, Stealth +34
Str +8, Dex +6, Con +10, Int +8, Wis +6, Cha +10
AC 46; Fort +36, Ref +32, Will +32; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 440, regeneration 50 (deactivated by fire or negative); Weaknesses cold iron20, negative 20
Speed 35 feet, air walk
Melee [one-action] fetch weapon +39 [+35/+31] (agile, versatile B), Damage 4d8-2+18 slashing plus 4d6 mentalOccult Innate Spells DC 43, attack +35 (-4 dmg); 10th alter reality; 9th duplicate foe, overwhelming presence, telepathic demand, weird; 8th duplicate foe, spirit song, suggestion; 7th duplicate foe, plane shift (to or from the First World only); 3rd illusory disguise (at will); Cantrips (10th) read aura, telekinetic projectile; Constant (9th) air walk, tongues, true seeing
Duplicate Victim [reaction] (conjuration, occult) Trigger The risen fetch critically hits a humanoid target with a fetch weapon Strike and has a duplicate foe spell available; Effect The risen fetch casts duplicate foe on the target, who takes a –4 status penalty on the saving throw to resist.Manifest Fetch Weapon [free-action] (conjuration, primal) Trigger The fetch starts its turn; Effect A fetch weapon manifests in the fetch's hand. As soon as a fetch weapon is no longer wielded by a fetch, it vanishes. The fetch chooses the type of weapon it manifests, but it does not gain any of that weapon's standard weapon traits, instead using the traits listed above in the fetch weapon Strike.Steady Spellcasting If a reaction would disrupt the risen fetch's spellcasting action, the risen fetch attempts a DC 15 flat check. On a success, the action isn't disrupted.

All Monsters in "Fetch"

Fetch Behemoth20
Fetch Stalker18
Risen Fetch22


Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 612
A fetch is a twisted, deviant simulacrum of a humanoid creature that exists or existed at one point on the Material Plane. Rumors of fetches that are reflections of entities from other planes persist, but none of these tales speak of fetches that duplicate anything other than a sapient source. A fetch can manifest spontaneously when a powerful creature undergoes a significant emotional event or dies, either while on the First World or while in an area significantly influenced by the First World, but one can also be created by significant forces like the Eldest in order to torment and vex those who have annoyed them. While a fetch manifests from a soul's “reflection,” and as such bears a striking resemblance to that creature's appearance in life, a fetch has no true memories of its own. It keeps fragments of false remembrances from its source as if it experienced them in a half-remembered dream—which ensure the fetch is enraged by and jealous of its source.

A fetch is similar in appearance to the creature whose soul spawned it, save that it often displays fey-like features such as pointed ears, plantlike elements, or supernatural grace. A fetch who seeks to impersonate a still-living source must disguise these features, and takes care to manifest its fetch weapon as one known to be wielded by its target.

When a fetch dies, it and its manifested items fades away into a bloom of plant life, its soul instantly recycled into the First World, leaving behind a patch of weeds and thorny flowers roughly in the shape they held in mockery while alive.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Freed Fetches

Warning - this sidebar contains spoilers for the Kingmaker adventure path.

If a fetch replaces its source by slaying them and taking their place in society, it can become a freed fetch. These are unique entities and should be hand-crafted as needed. All fetches begin their lives chaotic evil, but once they claim their place in the cycle of souls, they can (albeit rarely) find redemption. Fetches created by powerful entities after the source soul has moved on to be judged (including all fetches in Kingmaker) can never become freed, for they exist only at the whim of their creator.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Inversion Of Undeath?

Scholars have theorized that fetches are a sort of inversion of undead, in that their creation is linked to a living creature's soul—either forming when that soul has a powerful emotional event or manifesting alongside the creature's death. Yet unlike an undead creature, a fetch is its own being, not a corruption or transformation of another creature's soul. Fetches have souls themselves, yet since these souls are “borrowed” from energies underlying the First World, they have no capacity to gain in power once they are created. As such, fetches who live for any appreciable length of time grow increasingly frustrated with the stagnation of their personal growth, something of a curse that forces many to seek out increasingly dangerous risks. A fetch created from a still-living creature can, upon slaying its source, sometimes shed this limitation—in effect, taking the original's place in reality. This drives most fetch to seek out their source, murder them in secret, and try to replace them, yet unless the original was as depraved and twisted as they, such deceptions are inevitably laid bare when a fetch's evil nature becomes apparent.