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PFS StandardSpell Echo ShotItem 19

Legacy Content

Consumable Evocation Magical 
Source Treasure Vault pg. 83 1.1
Price 5,500 gp
Ammunition any; Bulk
Activate [one-action] command
Generous amounts of djezet and orichalcum mix in a spell echo shot. When you Activate it, you name up to four creatures, in addition to you, that the ammunition's magic works for. When spell echo shot strikes a target, which can be a square, it remains intact. It moves with a creature it struck, unless the GM determines otherwise, until that creature regains any Hit Points. If it doesn't stick to the target, the active ammunition instead falls into the target's space, remaining active. If you or one of the four selected creatures include the ammunition in the area of a spell that is 5th level or lower; has an area of a burst, cone, or line; and does not have a duration, the materials in the ammunition immediately duplicate that spell with the same parameters. A duplicated spell can't be duplicated again by another effect. Duplicating a spell destroys the ammunition, which otherwise remains active for 1 minute.