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PFS StandardWeapon Infusion [free-action] Feat 1

Infusion Kineticist 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 21 2.0

With a signature flair, you shape blasts of elemental power into the form of a weapon, such as a sword made of whirling wind or a bow that shoots flames. If your next action is an Elemental Blast, choose a weapon shape for it to take. You can choose to change the blast's damage type to bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing—whichever suits the weapon shape—and you can choose other alterations depending on whether you make a melee or ranged blast.

Melee Add one of the following traits of your choice: agile, backswing, forceful, reach, sweep.

Ranged Choose one of three options: range increment 100 feet and the volley 30 feet trait, range increment 50 feet and the propulsive trait, or range increment 20 feet and the thrown trait.



Actions with the infusion trait tweak your kineticist impulses. You must use an infusion action directly before the impulse action you want to alter. If you use any action (including free actions and reactions) other than an impulse action directly after, you waste the benefits of the infusion action. Any additional effects added by an infusion action are part of the impulse's effect, not of the infusion action itself.