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PFS StandardAnointed WaterskinItem 9

Legacy Content

Divine Evocation Good Water 
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 179 2.0
PFS Note The holy water generated by an anointed waterskin does not persist beyond the end of a session and has an effective sale price of 0 gp.

Price 600 gp
Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L
This waterskin coruscates with holy energy, causing it to slowly fill itself with special blessed water unique to the item. After using any of the activations, the waterskin is empty, but slowly refills itself. It becomes full enough to use again at the next dawn.

Activate [two-actions] command, Interact; Requirements The anointed waterskin is full; Effect You throw the anointed waterskin up to 60 feet. The water explodes out of it, with the effects of holy cascade with a DC of 25.

Activate [one-action] Interact; Requirements The anointed waterskin is full; Effect You drink the water within the waterskin, granting you the effects of bless. As normal with the spell, you can increase the radius with a single action with the concentrate trait.

Activate 1 minute (command, Interact); Requirements The anointed waterskin is full; Effect You decant the water, creating up to 10 vials of holy water. You must provide the vials.