Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Dragonblood Details | Dragonblood Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats

PFS StandardForm of the Dragon Feat 17

Source Player Core 2 pg. 47 1.1

You can briefly transform into a paragon of your draconic ancestry. You can cast dragon form as an 8th-rank innate spell once per day. This spell has the same tradition as your draconic exemplar. When you cast this innate spell, you must transform into your draconic exemplar. However, if you have the Arcane Dragonblood, Divine Dragonblood, Occult Dragonkin, or Primal Dragonblood lineage feat, you can instead choose any dragon of that tradition.



A creature with this trait has the dragonblood versatile heritage. These creatures are born of draconic lineage and often have draconic appearances.