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PFS StandardSchool of Battle Magic

Source Player Core pg. 199 2.0
Magic is power, and there are always those who will use power for the art of battle. You may have studied in the military of a nation of the brink of war—Cheliax and Andoran perhaps, or Geb and Nex. You summon whirling energies that can lay waste to both soldiers and armies, while being sure not to neglect arcane countermeasures for common tactical complications or the shields and defenses that keep combatants alive on the battlefield.

cantrips: shield, telekinetic projectile
1st: breathe fire, force barrage, mystic armor
2nd: mist, resist energy
3rd: earthbind, fireball
4th: wall of fire, weapon storm
5th: howling blizzard, impaling spike
6th: chain lightning, disintegrate
7th: energy aegis, true target
8th: arctic rift, desiccate
9th: falling stars

School Spells
initial: force bolt
advanced: energy absorption