Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Player CoreChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Ancestries & BackgroundsChapter 3: ClassesChapter 4: SkillsChapter 5: Feats
Chapter 6: EquipmentChapter 7: SpellsChapter 8: Playing the GameConditions Appendix
GM CoreIntroductionChapter 1: Running the GameChapter 2: Building GamesChapter 3: Age of Lost OmensChapter 4: SubsystemsChapter 5: Treasure Trove
Monster CoreIntroduction
Player Core 2Snares
Core RulebookChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Ancestries & BackgroundsChapter 3: ClassesChapter 4: SkillsChapter 5: Feats
Chapter 6: EquipmentChapter 7: SpellsChapter 8: The Age of Lost OmensChapter 9: Playing the GameChapter 10: Game MasteringChapter 11: Crafting & TreasureAppendix
World GuideMegafauna Minions
Character GuideNPC Gallery
Gods & MagicGods & Magic
Gamemastery GuideIntroductionChapter 1: Gamemastery BasicsChapter 2: Tools Chapter 3: SubsystemsChapter 4: Variant RulesChapter 5: NPC Gallery
Advanced Player's GuideIntroductionChapter 1: Ancestries & BackgroundsChapter 2: ClassesChapter 3: ArchetypesChapter 4: Feats
Chapter 5: SpellsChapter 6: Items
Pathfinder #159: All or NothingCasino Games
Ancestry GuideOverview
Pathfinder #164: Hands of the DevilInfernal Contracts
Pathfinder #166: Despair on Danger IslandAdapting Western Weapons
MalevolenceResearching the Malevolence
Pathfinder #169: Kindled MagicLife in the Academy
Secrets of MagicIntroductionMagic ItemsBook of Unlimited MagicEidolons
Guns & GearsIntroductionGears CharactersGears EquipmentGuns CharactersGuns Equipment
Grand BazaarWater Pressure in Gaming
Assistive ItemsAccessory Runes
Armor and Shield Adjustments
Pathfinder #176: Lost Mammoth ValleyCreating Megafauna
Book of the DeadUndead AlliesPlaying UndeadUndead Adjustments
Knights of LastwallDivine Combinations
Dark ArchiveAftermath Feats
Cryptid AdjustmentsSecret Society Member
Deviant AbilitiesApocryphal Domain Spells
Tempting Curses
Bargained Contracts
Mindscape Statistics
Psychic Duels
Travel GuideHousing Costs
Kingmaker Adventure PathAppendix 2: KingdomsAppendix 3: Warfare
Kingmaker Companion GuideChapter 1: CompanionsChapter 2: CampingChapter 3: Weather
Impossible LandsWild Magic
Treasure VaultAlchemy UnleashedMomentary MagicTrappings of PowerSecrets of CraftingGame Master's Trove
Pathfinder #190: The ChoosingThe Harrow CourtOptional Campaign Rules
Rage of ElementsElemental Companions
Howl of the WildSpecial Ancestry RulesGrafting Rules
War of ImmortalsMythic Rules
War of Immortals Alternate Mythic RulesMythic Variant Rules