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PFS StandardZuhra Shuyookh

The most powerful zuhras draw followers and elemental metal with overwhelming force of personality and literal magnetism. When called upon to conduct wish rituals, they use their long isolation from the other planes as an excuse to misinterpret requests outlandishly, claiming linguistic differences.

Recall Knowledge - Elemental (Arcana, Nature): DC 36
Unspecific Lore: DC 34
Specific Lore: DC 31

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Zuhra ShuyookhCreature 12

Rare Large Elemental Genie Metal 
Source Rage of Elements pg. 161 2.0
Perception +21; darkvision
Languages Common, Talican; truespeech
Skills Acrobatics +25, Athletics +22, Crafting +24, Deception +24, Intimidation +22, Performance +26, Society +20
Str +5, Dex +6, Con +8, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +7
Items +2 striking spiked chain
AC 32; Fort +27, Ref +21, Will +19
HP 192; Resistances electricity 10
Conductive Redirection [reaction] (arcane, concentrate, electricity) Trigger The zuhra is hit by an attack, spell, or effect that deals electricity damage; Effect The zuhra conducts the electricity through their body, taking damage as normal, and redirecting a bolt at one target within 30 feet that they can see. The zuhra makes a ranged attack roll with a +27 modifier against the target's AC. On a hit or critical hit, the target takes electricity damage equal to the full damage of the triggering effect.Magnetic Field (arcane, aura, metal) 10 feet. All squares in the aura are difficult terrain for creatures wearing metal armor or made of metal. Strikes with metallic weapons made by or against creatures in this aura take a –2 status penalty to the attack roll. Zuhras ignore these effects.
Speed 30 feet, fly 35 feet
Melee [one-action] spiked chain +25 [+20/+15] (disarm, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet, trip), Damage 2d8-2+11 slashing plus 1d12 electricityMelee [one-action] hand blade +23 [+19/+15] (agile, finesse, magical, reach 15 feet), Damage 2d4-2+11 slashing plus 4d4 persistent bleedArcane Innate Spells DC 30, attack +22 (-4 dmg); 7th clad in metal (can choose uncommon and rare metals), enthrall, plane shift (at will; to Astral Plane, Elemental Planes, or the Universe only), weapon storm; 6th mercurial stride, wall of metal; 5th invisibility (×2), magnetic acceleration (at will), magnetic attraction (at will); Cantrips (7th) detect magic; Constant (5th) tongues
Change Shape [one-action] (arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The zuhra transforms into a Small or Medium metal elemental or animal. This doesn't affect the zuhra's statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes.Magnetic Reposition [one-action] (arcane) Frequency once per round; Effect The shuyookh targets any number of creatures affected by their magnetic field, and moves each target 10 feet in a direction the zuhra chooses. Each target can resist being moved if it succeeds at a DC 30 Fortitude save.Magnetic Storm [three-actions] (arcane) Requirements The shuyookh's magnetic field is active; Effect The shuyookh electromagnetically flings razor-sharp metal scraps. Each creature in a 30-foot emanation takes 8d6 slashing damage and 3d12 electricity damage, with a DC 30 basic Fortitude save. The shuyookh's magnetic field is deactivated for 1d4 rounds.Mercurial Wish (downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh's result is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh attempts to fulfill the wish in a way that creates an unstable or impermanent benefit.

All Monsters in "Genie"

Faydhaan Shuyookh14
Ifrit Shuyookh14
Jaathoom Shuyookh10
Jabali Shuyookh12
Jann Shuyookh9
Kizidhar Shuyookh11
Zuhra Shuyookh13


Source Bestiary pg. 162
A unique type of genie exists for each Elemental Plane, and the bodies of genies are formed out of elemental matter corresponding to their native plane: djinn are formed from wind, clouds, and storms; efreet are fire made flesh; marids are beings of water; and shaitans are composed of metal, gems, and stone. Lastly, the jann are formed out of all four elements, and are the weakest of geniekind.

Genie Nobles

Genie nobles with titles unique to their kind (as detailed in each sidebar) rule genie society. Genie nobles are generally at least 5 levels higher than a typical example of their kind. In addition to the increased statistics afforded by their higher levels, genie nobles gain additional spells. But the most wondrous (and notorious) of a genie noble’s powers is their ability to grant wishes. Any genie noble (save for jann, who lack this power) can grant a mortal or undead creature up to three wishes within a year’s time. Many unscrupulous creatures compel genie nobles to serve them, tricking them or entrapping them with magic. However, once a genie noble grants a third wish to a single creature, they are freed from service to that creature forever.