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Worknesh, Walkena's Dedicated General

Worknesh always knew war. At a young age, she lost most of her family to an outsider attack on Mzali. The outsiders, in a futile attempt to liberate the city, only brought death and destruction to Mzali's people. Left only with an injured father, Worknesh struggled to provide for her father's care and vowed to never let war cause her or her loved ones grief ever again.

After her father recovered, she spent time with him learning the basics of combat. Her father served as a city guard and taught her what he could, but his injuries left him unable to complete Worknesh's training. After learning the fundamentals of fighting from him, Worknesh joined the guard to continue her father's legacy. Over the years, Worknesh became increasingly cruel, reveling in the power that her might granted her over others. Worknesh learned how to spot weaknesses in the techniques of her opponents and used her wit and ferocity to defeat much larger foes. Eventually, she earned the nickname Worknesh the Unstricken, as she had worked through every guard willing to spar her without even a scratch.

Worknesh's skill moved her up the ranks of Mzali's infantry, and she was quick to join the ranks of the Jackal Guard, Walkena's elite unit. Only a year into her time with the Jackal Guard, Worknesh earned Walkena's attention, and soon, the god-king placed Worknesh at the head of the guard. Proud of her accomplishments, Worknesh returned home for the first time in several years, only to learn that her father had passed peacefully in his sleep. While Worknesh mourned, she also came to realize that she was without any obligations other than her own. She was free to push herself further into her career and earn yet more of Walkena's favor.

A few years later, Worknesh finally achieved her goal and earned a place at Walkena's side. The god-king named Worknesh as his Master of Spears, granting her total command over Walkena's armies. In addition to her new role, Walkena granted Worknesh even greater gifts. First, he took the golden blade of Mzali from the ashes of the former Master of Spears and handed it to Worknesh, along with the title of Worknesh the Golden Blade. Additionally, Walkena used his deific power to grant Worknesh spells, commanding her to use them only to serve his will. Combined with her unrelenting might, Worknesh's new weapon and spellcasting made her the most formidable warrior in the city.

Worknesh finally had total command over war and could wield it like a blade, directing it where she pleased. With her new weapon, she would strike down any who opposed Walkena. With her new magic, she would expose those who would sow discord in his city.

Today, Worknesh is as cruel as ever, sending the guards after individuals for the slightest offense. Only Nkiruka's continued efforts at diplomacy have kept Worknesh in check, preventing the city from falling to total militaristic rule. Worknesh remains pleased with her current position, but she recognizes that even Mzali can't contain her might forever.

Campaign Role

Worknesh serves as the head of Mzali's armies and fully supports Walkena's laws. She would normally attempt to prevent any outsider from entering the city for any reason, to keep the city's purity as Walkena prefers. Thankfully for the heroes, Nkiruka's diplomatic efforts have earned them immunity from Worknesh's exclusion.

During the first chapter, Worknesh arranges for an exhibition match between the heroes and her Jackal Guard to size up the martial threat they pose to Mzali. Cunning heroes might suspect Worknesh's motive and trick her into thinking they aren't a threat worthy of her consideration. She doesn't use her spells during this initial evaluation, as she doesn't have much reason to think the heroes are anything beyond what they claim to be.

During the attack on Osibu in this adventure's final chapter, Worknesh leads the assault and ultimately faces off with the heroes directly. This time, she doesn't hesitate to use her spells to best effect (including casting a 5th-level see invisibility in advance). The heroes might have fooled her into thinking they don't pose much of a danger, but Worknesh doesn't stay fooled for long.

Recall Knowledge - Humanoid (Society): DC 45
Unspecific Lore: DC 43
Specific Lore: DC 40

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak WorkneshCreature 15

Legacy Content

Unique LE Medium Human Humanoid 
Source Pathfinder #172: Secrets of the Temple City pg. 952
Female human inquisitor
Perception +28
Languages Common, Mzunu
Skills Athletics +30, Intimidation +27, Religion +24, Society +24, Stealth +25, Survival +28, Warfare Lore +28
Str +6, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +3
Master's Cry [free-action] Trigger Worknesh rolls initiative; Requirements Worknesh can perceive at least one foe within 60 feet; Effect Worknesh yells a mighty rallying cry. Worknesh attempts an Intimidation check to Demoralize a single foe within 60 feet. If successful, any of her allies within 30 feet can Stride up to double their speed as their first action on their first turn of the combat.
Warmaster's Instinct Worknesh can recognize the skills of any combatants she faces. She can use Warfare Lore to Recall Knowledge about any creature, but only while in combat or observing the creature fight.
Items +2 resilient splint mail, moderate sturdy shield (Hardness 13, HP 104, BT 52), golden blade of mzali
AC 35 (35 with shield raised); Fort +27, Ref +23, Will +26
HP 290; Resistances piercing 4
Attack of Opportunity [reaction] Shield Block [reaction]
Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] golden blade +30 [+25/+20], Damage 3d6-2+16 piercing plus 2d6 fireRanged [one-action] golden blade +25 [+20/+15] (thrown 20 feet), Damage 3d6-2+16 piercing plus 2d6 fireDivine Spontaneous Spells DC 32, attack +24 (-4 dmg); 7th dispel magic, fireball, heal (3 slots); 6th dispel magic, heal, wall of fire (3 slots); 5th prying eye, see invisibility, tongues (3 slots); 4th air walk, discern lies, freedom of movement (3 slots); Cantrips (8th) daze, detect magic, divine lance (law or evil), message, shield, sigil
Battle Cry [one-action] (auditory, concentrate, emotion, mental) Worknesh unleashes a war cry, granting herself and all allies within 60 feet a +1 status bonus to attack and damage rolls until the start of her next turn.Walkena's Fury [one-action] Frequency once per round; Requirements Worknesh is within reach of an enemy designated by Walkena's Judgment; Effect Worknesh makes two melee Strikes against the enemy of Walkena. If both attacks hit, she combines their damage for the purpose of the creature's resistances and weaknesses.Walkena's Judgment [one-action] (concentrate, divine) Worknesh designates a single creature as an enemy of Walkena. She must be able to see or hear the creature, or she must be tracking the creature. Worknesh gains a +4 status bonus to damage against the designated creature, and she gains fast healing 5 while within 30 feet of the creature. In addition, she doesn't take the –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls when attempting to deal nonlethal damage with an attack without the nonlethal trait and vice versa.
Worknesh can have only one creature designated as an enemy of Walkena at a time. If she uses Walkena's Judgment against a creature when she already has a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new target gains the designation. This designation lasts for 24 hours.