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PFS StandardIce Mummy

The cold of high places coupled with strong winds and less oxygen creates an effect that can preserve bodies, mummifying them through natural processes. Many are created deliberately by cults, and a rare few voluntarily transform.

Recall Knowledge - Undead (Religion): DC 26
Unspecific Lore: DC 24
Specific Lore: DC 21

Elite | Normal | Weak
Proficiency without Level

Changes from being Weak are marked in red below.
NOTE: The -2 damage penalty to non-strike offensive abilities (-4 if the ability is limited, such as spells) is NOT factored in.

Weak Ice MummyCreature 7

Legacy Content

Uncommon NE Medium Cold Mummy Undead 
Source Book of the Dead pg. 131
Perception +14; darkvision, snow vision
Languages Common, Necril; plus any two languages they knew while alive
Skills Deception +16, Intimidation +14, Occultism +15, Stealth +15
Str +5, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +6
Snow Vision The ice mummy ignores the concealed condition from falling snow.
Items +1 striking staff
AC 24; Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +16
HP 110 (negative healing); Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious; Resistances cold 10; Weaknesses fire 10
Great Despair (aura, emotion, enchantment, fear, incapacitation, mental, occult) 30 feet. Living creatures are frightened 1 while in an ice mummy's great despair aura. They can't naturally recover from this fear while in the area but recover instantly once they leave it. When a creature first enters the area, it must succeed at a DC 22 Will save (after taking the penalty from being frightened) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. The creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.
Speed 20 feet
Melee [one-action] staff +18 [+13/+8] (magical, two-hand d8), Damage 2d4-2+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 cold and cold rotMelee [one-action] fist +17 [+13/+9] (agile, magical), Damage 2d6-2+7 bludgeoning plus 1d6 cold and cold rotChannel Rot (occult, necromancy) The ice mummy can deliver cold rot through melee weapons they wield.Cold Rot (cold, curse, disease, divine, necromancy) This affliction can't be reduced below stage 1, nor can damage from it be healed, until successfully treated with remove curse or a similar effect. The affliction can then be removed as normal for a disease. A creature killed by cold rot turns to ice crystals and can't be resurrected except by a 7th-level resurrect ritual or similar magic; Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Stage 1 slowed 1 for 1 round, then carrier with no ill effect (1 minute); Stage 2 5d6 negative damage plus 2d6 cold damage and stupefied 2 (1 day)Frozen Breath [two-actions] (cold, concentrate, divine, evocation) The ice mummy exhales a 60-foot cone of razor-sharp ice that deals 5d6 cold and 4d6 slashing damage (DC 24 basic Reflex save). The ice mummy can't use Frozen Breath again for 1d4 rounds.

Sidebar - Additional Lore Frozen in Time

Cults that prepare ice mummies first dehydrate the victim, then take them to the top of a mountain or glacier for a gruesome ritual. The mummy-to-be is stripped naked and rubbed down with oil and fat infused with herbs. The skin is preserved for magical talismans or clothing. If the victim rises to undeath, it receives its own skin to wear.

All Monsters in "Mummy"

Bog Mummy5
Bog Mummy Cultist9
Decrepit Mummy2
Mummy, Drowned17
Ice Mummy8
Iroran Mummy10
Mummified Cat0
Mummy Guardian6
Mummy Pharaoh9
Mummy Prophet of Set13
Quoppopak Mummy13


Source Bestiary pg. 240
While many cultures practice mummification of the dead for benign reasons, undead mummies are created through foul rituals, typically to provide eternally vigilant guardians.

Sidebar - Geb Mummification Practice

Neophytes to mummification typically apprentice to a morgue specializing in the process. Apprenticeships can last several years. Generally, the first mummies one produces are animals, usually of inferior quality. Those who become skilled remain rare enough to be a strategic resource and could be abducted, coerced, or bribed to change their allegiance or sabotage the mummification of their masters.