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Chapter 3: Age of Lost Omens


Source GM Core pg. 166 2.0
From the smallest of city-states to a continent-spanning empire, nations define the political landscape of a setting and inform local culture and traditions. Knowing the details of a nation can help you as a Game Master, whether your game revolves around international disputes or you simply need to know what languages the common people are likely to speak.

Nations vary tremendously, from massive empires to isolated island realms, and their characteristics can give flavor and depth to your story and the PCs' adventures. An encounter in shadowy Nidal, where allegiance to Zon-Kuthon has literally blocked the sun from the sky, is going to have a very different tone than one in sun-drenched Thuvia. A nation that serves as a cultural or ancestral bastion, like elven Kyonin, might have a different reaction to adventurers than a continent-defining empire like Taldor. A journey into a new nation can introduce the heroes to a new people (if the party visits the hobgoblin nation of Oprak), a new philosophy (such as the materialistic Prophecies of Kalistrade in Druma), or a new foe (as visitors to the undead-ridden Gravelands will certainly learn).

Nations can also provide adventuring inspiration and hooks. When the heroes are caught in the crossfire between two nations in conflict, national concerns become their own. Learning more about a nation's history or practices might lead to a great finding—or a loathsome practice the characters want to eradicate. A party might get involved in the political machinations of a nation's elite power mongers, or they might fall out of favor and find themselves on the run from the law!

Nations also influence a character's story on a personal level. A nation can suggest a character's ancestry, inform the languages they speak, and influence their choice of deity. As a GM, the relationship between a character and a nation can provide opportunities to better hook that character into your campaign. Has the character always lived there, or have they emigrated from elsewhere—and why? A character who fled due to political persecution might have long-standing enemies, while a hero who left due to ideological differences might have friends and family who seek to return them to the fold.

Nation Stat Block

Source GM Core pg. 167 2.0
The stat block for a nation presents the core information about a nation in a simple, streamlined format.

Nation Name Nation

As with any stat block, a nation has a list of traits that convey its properties at a glance. These traits are overarching characteristics, but don't necessarily reflect every person or settlement that might be encountered—a nation is rarely monolithic, and the attitudes or cultural makeup of its people may differ drastically from those of the nation as a whole. For example, the elven nation of Kyonin has the elf trait, indicating that it was created by and remains almost exclusively populated by elves. Similarly, a nation with an extremely particular focus might have a trait to represent that, such as Galt, which has the revolutionary trait.

Following the traits is a brief summary of the nation.
Government This names the formal government and describes the nation's governmental structure, such as a hereditary monarchy, an elected council, or a theocratic dictatorship.
Capital This is the established seat of the nation's government, with the city's population in parentheses.
Population The predominant ancestries of the nation are listed here, ordered from most to least common.
Languages The languages commonly spoken in the nation appear here, listed alphabetically.
Religions This lists the religions and philosophies commonly practiced in the nation. If a nation has a state religion, this is indicated in parentheses following that religion. If a nation has prohibited any religions, those are listed in a Prohibited entry following the common religions.
Other Characteristics A nation might have distinctive features that set it apart from other nations, such as the predominance of firearms in Alkenstar. Each such feature is detailed in this entry, though a nation rarely has more than one or two of these entries, and many don't have any.
Primary Exports This lists the nation's primary exports, such as raw materials, finished goods, services, and other resources. If the nation has no exports of note, this entry is omitted.
Primary Imports Much like primary exports, this entry details the resources commonly imported by the nation. Like exports, if the nation has no imports of note, this entry is omitted.
Allies This entry lists other nations, and occasionally large organizations, allied with the nation. It is omitted for nations with no significant relationships.
Enemies Other nations (and sometimes organizations) that oppose the nation appear here. This entry is omitted for nations with no enemies to speak of.
Factions Any significant organizations or factions operating within the nation are listed in this entry.
Threats This entry lists various threats the nation faces, such as aggression from neighboring nations, natural disasters, economic instability, magical anomalies, and so on.
Significant NPCs The final section of the nation's stat block presents the most significant NPCs of that nation, including its ruler (if it has one). These may not be the most powerful or influential individuals in the nation, and instead are those most likely to be known by people within and outside of the nation.

Nations of Lost Omens

Source GM Core pg. 167 2.0
Presented below are stat blocks for two nations from the Lost Omens campaign setting. You can use these as examples when building your own nation stat blocks.

Andoran Nation

Fledgling democracy in pursuit of freedom for all.
Government The People's Council (parliamentary democracy)
Capital Almas (76,600)
Population humans (Taldan), halflings, kobolds, dwarves
Languages Common
Religions Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Iomedae, Shelyn
Primary Exports ancient treasures and artifacts, financial credit, lumber, minerals
Enemies autocratic governments concerned about potential domestic revolts, Cheliax, Katapesh
Factions Bellflower Network, Eagle Knights, Lumber Consortium
Threats aggression from Cheliax, rising trade consortium control, corruption among elected officials
Andira Marusek (dauntless female human warrior) Supreme Elect of the Executive Office and mayor of Almas
Reginald Cormoth (impish male human commander) Eagle Knight Commander General
Felandriel Morgethai (esteemed female elf wizard) Almas University provost

Rahadoum Nation

Atheist Human
Desert nation unified by a humanistic worldview and rejection of religion.
Government Council of Elders (representative council)
Capital Azir (72,370)
Population humans (Garundi, Mauxi)
Languages Common, Osiriani
Religions Laws of Mortality; Prohibited all divine religions
Irreligious All worship of deities is prohibited by Rahadoumi law. Religious symbols and items are confiscated and proselytization incurs a heavy fine. Rahadoumi citizens perform healing through only mundane means or non-divine magic.
Primary Exports base metals, fine cloth, gemstones, herbal remedies, mechanical innovations, produce, salt, tools
Primary Imports lumber, pesh
Enemies pirates of the Shackles, Red Mantis, religious groups
Factions Aspis Consortium, Pure Legion
Threats conflict among neighboring nations, desert-dwelling monsters, disease, rapidly accelerating desertification
Malduoni (keen male human politician) Keeper of the First Law, elected by the Council of Elders
Kassi Aziril (radical female human doctor) “Mother of Modern Medicine,” renowned medical researcher and philanthropist
Salim Ghadafar (begrudging male human divine agent) former Pure Legion captain forced into Pharasma's service