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PFS StandardTapir Sage

Uncommon Beast 
Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 125
Required Number of Abilities 6
Granted Abilities darkvision, kinspeech, speech, toolbearer, valet

Tapir sages are intelligent creatures that desire to protect the natural world. They carry large rattan baskets on their backs.

Pot of Tea

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 125
Your tapir sage is trained in the art of herbal medication and can prepare a pot of healing tea. Once per day, your familiar can spend 10 minutes to brew fine tea leaves and herbs. The tapir sage must focus on the tea during this time—if it performs any other action, the tea is ruined, though the tapir sage can start over again. Once the pot of tea is brewed, the tapir sage can serve two cups of tea with each of the below actions; each time, it gives 1 cup to an adjacent ally, and it drinks 1 cup itself. The three infusions must be poured and offered in order (for example, the tapir sage can’t serve the second infusion until it has served the first). The tea remains good for 1 hour after brewing; if not drunk by this point, the pot goes cold, and any remaining tea loses its power.
  • First Infusion [two-actions] The infusion restores a number of Hit Points equal to 1d8 times half your level (minimum 1d8) and grants a +4 circumstance bonus to the next saving throw against disease or poison attempted within 24 hours.
  • Second Infusion [two-actions] The infusion restores a number of Hit Points equal to 1d4 times half your level (minimum 1d4) and grants a +2 circumstance bonus to the next saving throw against disease or poison attempted within 24 hours.
  • Third Infusion [two-actions] The infusion grants temporary Hit Points equal to your level for 1 hour.