Ancestries | Versatile Heritages

Samsaran Details | Samsaran Feats | Universal Ancestry Feats | Samsaran Heritages

PFS StandardWater to Water Feat 13

Source Tian Xia Character Guide pg. 57

You allow your body to collapse into water, then reconstitute your corporeal form elsewhere. You can cast translocate as an occult innate spell twice per day; the spell additionally gains the water trait. If you Cast this Spell while standing in a body of water of at least ankle depth, you don’t need to perform any incantations or gestures to Cast the Spell (typically preventing reactions, such as Reactive Strike), and the spell gains the subtle trait as you simply fall into the water without so much as a splash.



Blue-skinned people native to Zi Ha, who reincarnate upon death and recall pieces of their past lives.