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Game Master's Trove / Blighted Boons


Source Treasure Vault pg. 186 1.1
Someone who partakes of a blighted boon unwillingly can attempt a saving throw to resist the effect. The save DC equals 10 + the partaker's level. Those who willingly consume the boon can't attempt a save. A creature that fails the save or doesn't attempt one moves to the blighted boon's stage 1.

When a blighted boon imparts its initial effect on a partaker, the boon's manifestation disappears. Any pieces that remain contain none of the boon's power.

Those who roll a success or critical success at the save resist the boon. Such a partaker gains no further effect. In some cases, a blighted boon remanifests after this refusal, giving others the opportunity to partake of its power. Blighted boons that have this power say so in their descriptions. Others are used up, as with a consumable magic item.