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Game Master's Trove / Set Relics

Advancing a Set Relic

Source Treasure Vault pg. 201 1.1
Each part of a set relic that a character collects further empowers the relic's gifts and provides additional features.

Gifts: A set relic grants you gifts based on the number of items properly utilized as part of the set relic, as well as a minimum level, which the wielder's level must equal or exceed. This progression matches that detailed on the Gamemastery Guide's Table 2–22: Relic Gifts in terms of number of gifts, minimum level, gift type, and gp equivalent. Each known set relic (see the sets presented below) shows a number before listing a gift. This number corresponds with the number of gifts on Table 2–22, as well as the number of items in the set relic that must be properly utilized to access the indicated gift.

Collective Features: A set relic also grants its user features, boosting to the relic's gifts, based on the number of items properly utilized in the relic. Such features are cumulative. Once a character has four items from a set, for instance, that wielder gains the features for having two, three, and four items. Each known set relic lists the number of items and the feature linked with properly utilizing that number of items as part of the set relic.

Smaller Sets: For set relics that have fewer than five items, the relic can still permit the wielder to access gifts that are more powerful. One of the items in the set must be of or higher than the minimum level given for the gift on Table 2–22 for the relic to grant the gift. Meeting this requirement might involve the wielder improving an existing item to the appropriate level or finding a new item of a suitable level.

Improving Set Items: The items in a set relic need not remain static. They can be improved, according to rules for items of their type, with runes and to higher-level versions. If a set relic lists a specific advanced form of an item, you must possess that form of the item and properly utilize it to gain its benefits as part of the set relic.