Rules Index | GM Screen | Player's Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction / Character Creation

Step 2: Start Building Attribute Modifiers

Source Player Core pg. 22 2.0
At this point, you need to start building your character's attribute modifiers. See the overview of attribute modifiers on page 19 for more information about these important aspects of your character and an overview of the process.

Your character's attribute modifiers each start at +0, and as you select your ancestry, background, and class, you'll apply attribute boosts, which increase a modifier by 1, and attribute flaws, which decrease a modifier by 1. At this point, just note a +0 in each attribute modifier and familiarize yourself with the rules for attribute boosts and flaws on page 19. This is also a good time to identify which attribute modifiers will be most important to your character; for instance, if you want to play a dashing and nimble archer, you might want to focus on a character with a high Dexterity attribute (to ensure they're good with ranged weapons) who also has a bit of Charisma (to fast-talk the authorities if they get caught). See The Six Attribute Modifiers on page 19 and the class summaries on page 21 for more information.