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PFS StandardElectromuscular StimulatorItem 5

Legacy Content

Rare Consumable Gadget 
Source Guns & Gears pg. 68 2.0
Price 30 gp
Usage worn; Bulk 1
Activate [two-actions] Interact
This rare gadget uses Stasian technology to grant someone a burst of activity, though its use can be painful. The electromuscular stimulator must be carefully attached to you, requiring 1 minute to do so. You can attach an electromuscular stimulator to yourself. When you Activate an attached electromuscular stimulator, roll a Crafting check, using the Crafting modifier of the creature who attached the stimulator to you, with a DC equal to the standard DC for your level. The effects of the activation depend on the result of the Crafting check.

Critical Success You gain the quickened condition for 1 minute and can use the extra action each round only to Stride or Strike.
Success As critical success, but you also take 3 persistent electrical damage.
Failure You gain the quickened condition for 2 rounds and can use the extra action each round only to Stride or Strike. You take 3 persistent electrical damage.
Critical Failure You take 2d6 electrical damage and 3 persistent electrical damage.