Patron's Glamour Feat 4Archetype Auditory Illusion Source War of Immortals pg. 62Archetype SeneschalPrerequisites Seneschal Witch Dedication
Gathering up threads of your old connection, you can temporarily disguise yourself as your missing patron. You gain
illusory disguise as an innate spell of your patron’s tradition, automatically heightened to the rank of your witch cantrips, but you can use it only to disguise yourself as the
humanoid representation of your patron. Detection spells of lower rank than this
illusory disguise give your patron’s information rather than your own.
Archetype: This feat belongs to an archetype.
Auditory: Auditory actions and effects rely on sound. An action with the auditory trait can be successfully performed only if the creature using the action can speak or otherwise produce the required sounds. A spell or effect with the auditory trait has its effect only if the target can hear it. This applies only to sound-based parts of the effect, as determined by the GM. This is different from a sonic effect, which still affects targets who can’t hear it (such as deaf targets) as long as the effect itself makes sound.
Illusion: Effects and magic items with this trait involve false sensory stimuli.