Mythic Callings | Mythic Feats | Mythic Destinies

Seat Of Power Feat 16

Source War of Immortals pg. 112
Archetype Archfiend
Prerequisites Archfiend Dedication

Your sheer determination has created a demiplane that houses a grand residence which will serve as the heart of your planned realm. You determine the appearance of this seat of power, such as a duskwood longhouse, a crumbling stone castle, an ice tower, or a pagoda constructed from the solidified souls of the damned. You can enter your realm using the Enter Seat of Power activity. You and any creatures you choose gain three times as many Hit Points when resting within your seat of power. Once per day while within your seat of power, you can cast cleanse affliction as a 4th-rank innate divine spell or sound body as a 4th-rank innate divine spell. You can target only yourself with these spells.

Enter Seat of Power (concentrate, exploration, mythic) Effect You focus your mind on your seat of power, then tap into this connection to transport yourself to its demiplane. This process takes 10 minutes. You can bring up to 10 willing creatures with you when you Enter Seat of Power; these creatures must remain within 30 feet of you for the duration of the activity.

You can remain in your seat of power for as long as you desire. Any creature that you bring to your seat of power in this way (including you) can depart the demiplane as a three-action activity that has the concentrate trait. They return to the location they were in when they Entered your Seat of Power, or the nearest unoccupied space if that location is occupied.



Options with this trait grant or utilize mythic power. Feats with the mythic trait can only be taken by mythic characters, who are typically characters with a mythic Calling.

Monsters with the mythic trait have access to a pool of Mythic Points and are particularly strong for creatures of their level. Many mythic monsters are either resistant or entirely immune to attacks from non-mythic creatures and weapons.

Spells with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to be cast, and items with the mythic trait require the expenditure of a Mythic Point in order to use their activated abilities.

Weapons with the mythic trait overcome the resistances and immunities of mythic monsters.