General Hazards | Adventure-Specific Hazards | Weather Hazards

Test of TacticsHazard 13

Legacy Content

Mechanical Trap 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 324
Complexity Simple
Stealth DC 37 (expert)
Description Obscure magical runes hidden within the runes of the 16 named warriors bind a pair of derghodaemons into the walls of this hallway.
Disable Thievery DC 37 (expert) to remove a set of runes linked to one bound derghodaemon, or dispel magic (7th level, counteract DC 31) to counteract the trap's magic.
Conjure Daemon [reaction] Trigger A creature moves past the bend in the middle of the hall; Effect A pair of derghodaemons rise up from the floor to the north and southeast near the stairs; the daemons roll for initiative using Stealth, and fight to the death but do not pursue foes out of this area.
Reset If at least one of the derghodaemons survives, the trap resets after 1 hour, causing the surviving derghodaemons to be completely restored to full health and to merge with the floors.