Actions | Activities

Recruit Army

Army Downtime 
Source Kingmaker Adventure Path pg. 569
Note that you pursue this activity during the Leadership step of the Activity phase. Either you recruit an army from your kingdom's citizens, or you secure the allegiance of a specialized army you encountered in the Stolen Lands. If you're recruiting an army from your kingdom's citizens, choose one of the basic armies listed at the start of page 570 and attempt a Warfare check against the army's Recruitment DC. If you're securing a specialized army, you must attempt a Statecraft check against the Recruitment DC; statistics for these armies appear starting on page 571.

Critical Success You recruit the army; it becomes efficient.
Success You recruit the army.
Failure You fail to recruit the army.
Critical Failure Many of the individuals in the army you attempted to recruit took offense at the attempt. Gain 1 Unrest, and you cannot attempt to recruit an army again until the next Kingdom turn.